
Little Gun Invitational Antelope Hunt

Posted By: Gregg Richter

Little Gun Invitational Antelope Hunt - 10/11/2011 6:02 PM

The first Little Gun Invitational Antelope Hunt is now history. And possibly the fastest successful hunt ever for a group of handgun hunters.

After checking the handgun hunters in, going through orientation and a quick overview and partial tour of the hunting areas, the five hunters were turned loose at approx. 3:15 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 8.

Since there were two pairs of hunters having arrived together, and 500WE had arrived alone, I asked if he would like me to ride along with him so he wouldn't have to hunt solo, as I was not hunting.

Even though the Wyoming weather was cold, rainy, and windy, two of the hunters scored that afternoon on their bucks, the father-son pair from North Dakota, with their XP 100's.

The other two handgunners scored early the following morning.

Ken (500WE) and I had made an unsuccessful stalk Saturday afternoon on a group that had a nice buck. I told him that I wanted to "bed them down" and then be there first thing in the a.m.

It took awhile but we finally spotted one lone (good) buck the next morning in the same area. Even though I believe we found the same herd, the bucks had left and separated for some reason.
We saw three other lone bucks; and when we had left that herd the night before, it had about six bucks in it but only one this a.m.

We engineered a stalk and it worked perfectly, even for the filming. Ken made a good shot and I got it on film.

The time was a little before noon.

Five handgun hunters, five antelope bucks, about 20 hours. And I had booked it as a 3 1/2 day hunt!

Now let's hear from 500WE and the others!

Posted By: dc74

Re: Little Gun Invitational Antelope Hunt - 10/11/2011 6:23 PM

thats great and real nice lope...
Posted By: Whitworth

Re: Little Gun Invitational Antelope Hunt - 10/11/2011 6:31 PM

Nice work! Congratulations!
Posted By: MIHunter

Re: Little Gun Invitational Antelope Hunt - 10/11/2011 7:46 PM

Congrats to everyone!
Posted By: Shortgun

Re: Little Gun Invitational Antelope Hunt - 10/11/2011 8:37 PM

Congrats!!! I wanna do that SOOO!! BAD!!!
Posted By: Charlie Young

Re: Little Gun Invitational Antelope Hunt - 10/11/2011 9:22 PM

Congrats on the successful hunt.
Posted By: SChunter

Re: Little Gun Invitational Antelope Hunt - 10/11/2011 11:12 PM

Nice job Gregg on getting your hunters on animals, and nice shot Ken!
Posted By: Russell

Re: Little Gun Invitational Antelope Hunt - 10/12/2011 12:04 AM

Congrats to all on a successful weekend!
Posted By: s4s4u

Re: Little Gun Invitational Antelope Hunt - 10/12/2011 12:49 AM

Five handgun hunters, five antelope bucks, about 20 hours. And I had booked it as a 3 1/2 day hunt!

Don't ya just hate when that happens. When preparation meets opportunity there is success. Nice goin'.
Posted By: Gregg Richter

Re: Little Gun Invitational Antelope Hunt - 10/12/2011 1:52 AM

 Originally Posted By: s4s4u
Five handgun hunters, five antelope bucks, about 20 hours. And I had booked it as a 3 1/2 day hunt!

Don't ya just hate when that happens. When preparation meets opportunity there is success. Nice goin'.

An outfitter's nightmare...

Thank you all for the nice replies.
Posted By: Buttermilk

Re: Little Gun Invitational Antelope Hunt - 10/12/2011 2:00 AM

Congrats to all the hunters! Good job Greg.

Can you tell me more about this "invitational" hunt?

Curious how it works.

Posted By: cfish2

Re: Little Gun Invitational Antelope Hunt - 10/12/2011 2:15 AM

Congrats Gregg and hunters. Glad for everyones success. Look forward to participating sometime if able!
Posted By: Gregg Richter

Re: Little Gun Invitational Antelope Hunt - 10/12/2011 4:12 AM

 Originally Posted By: Buttermilk
Congrats to all the hunters! Good job Greg.

Can you tell me more about this "invitational" hunt?

Curious how it works.


Thank you, Rog.

Really quite simple. I had some hunt openings to fill; I went to my past client list; as well as current waiting list, and using a mental check list, I invited a few until the hunt was booked.
Posted By: PythonHunter

Re: Little Gun Invitational Antelope Hunt - 10/12/2011 5:13 AM

Congrats to all the hunters. I had the same questions you just answered above Gregg, and curious if I can get on that waiting list.

I just got back from South Dakota on an archery antelope hunt (shot my buck at 52 yards) and leave next week for Wyoming for antelope in area 42. I love chasing antelope and would, I'm sure, thoroughly enjoy hunting with similarly thinking handgunners.

Thats my pitch.

Posted By: jamesfromjersey

Re: Little Gun Invitational Antelope Hunt - 10/12/2011 12:27 PM

That had to have been a great time for all...
Posted By: countryrebel

Re: Little Gun Invitational Antelope Hunt - 10/12/2011 4:08 PM

Good job!
Posted By: Bearbait in NM

Re: Little Gun Invitational Antelope Hunt - 10/12/2011 6:44 PM


Great job. It has been a few years since I have chased those critters in Colorado, but our hunt usually went the same way. Tagged out usually by mid day of the first day. It was always a bit of a let down, in a funny kind of way.

I have not been a member of HHI for quite some time, but I am wondering if this is a replacement for that, or perhaps a concurrent hunt? If the latter, that makes you one busy boy.....
I hope you are all healed up these days. Not sure what is worse, gimping around up and down mountains chasing elk, or gimp crawling around through the cactus and prickly pear.

And I do look forward to details from the guys, if they so wish.

Posted By: Gregg Richter

Re: Little Gun Invitational Antelope Hunt - 10/13/2011 2:39 PM

 Originally Posted By: PythonHunter
Congrats to all the hunters. I had the same questions you just answered above Gregg, and curious if I can get on that waiting list.


OK, here's a pitch for joining Handgun Hunters International. Most of my hunts are publicized in the HHI SIXGUNNER.

And some probably right here. And don't forget the squeaky wheel gets greased first.
Posted By: Jeffx

Re: Little Gun Invitational Antelope Hunt - 10/14/2011 1:27 AM

Congrats to you Gregg, and all the Hunters! Another fine hunt!
Everybody, Gregg does a fine job to help you bag your game!
Posted By: Gregg Richter

Re: Little Gun Invitational Antelope Hunt - 10/14/2011 4:41 AM

Thank you, Jeffx. (Enjoyed having you along a while ago.) This is so often much more rewarding than pulling the trigger myself. And then to film it on top of it all. So to share with even more hunters!

I love sharing and helping hunters to experience what it feels like to have a successful hunt on a big game animal with a handgun.

Very very similar to my custom trail riding business which I started back in 1992 (retired from it now but still get calls!) Sharing the joy of riding a good horse in near-virgin country with others was just too neat; so rewarding.

And so it continues with handgun hunting.
Posted By: 500WE

Re: Little Gun Invitational Antelope Hunt - 10/14/2011 11:16 AM

I just returned from Wyoming late last night after a great hunt, and will post more details in a seperate write-up in the next couple of days as I have a chance. It was great to see Gregg again after 20 years, as well as our friends Fred and Anita from New Hampshire, whom I hadn't seen for nearly as long.
Posted By: Anniex

Re: Little Gun Invitational Antelope Hunt - 10/14/2011 7:13 PM

I hope one day to get an antelope of my own!
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