
Nead help with contender question

Posted By: slavage

Nead help with contender question - 02/11/2005 4:12 AM

ok guys i got a question, i decided to get a older contender instead of a g2 cause of looks an such so i found one on a gun broker an the picture shows it as white stainless or aa
an at the cost i won it at was 160 plus 10 for shiping an 20 gunfee charge i got it for 200 at that cost i was going to sell some of the stock i had to pay for it at that price i couldent pass it up, well now heres the prob i made my bid an e mailed the seller asking it if it was aa or stainless either way i dident care well he e mailed me back telling me it is blue, now looking at the pic again i emailed him back saying the picture shows it being stainless,
so what should i do at that price i was willing to buy it if it was aa or stainless but now being blued i dont think it is worth it all so it dosent have any grips or forearm, all so its a older stly were you nead a screw driver to change from center fire to rim witch again i dident care rim fire wasent an issue i got a 22 rifle for that but now im undeside should i just take the blow an get the tender or should i tell him to go with a differnt bidder cause i was mislead from the picture an see if i have to fight over it cause i am the wining bider, again i dont think it is worth the cost sence its blue
so any sugestions will help
here is the link to the frame
Posted By: KYODE

Re: Nead help with contender question - 02/11/2005 4:39 AM

looks old..............might be a lil high$ for one that old.
Posted By: Vance in AK.

Re: Nead help with contender question - 02/11/2005 5:25 AM

The reflection from the light makes it look stainless, but note this line in the description.

"Only a couple of light marks on the blueing. ".

The gun was advertised as blue, so if I was the seller I would have a problem with you backing out because of something you assumed. The fact that it may not be the greatest buy in the world is beside the point.
I'd say enjoy your new frame .
I'll bet it will serve you well.
Posted By: bisleyfan44

Re: Nead help with contender question - 02/11/2005 10:03 PM

slavage, vance is right about the desription saying "blueing", but i have to tell you, that has to be the "whitest" i have ever seen a blued firearm appear. i would have assumed it was stainless at first glance. but since " blued" is in the description, i would go ahead and buy it. if you don't want it then sell it and take the loss as a lesson learned. it has happened to all of us at some point. sorry.
Posted By: wapitirod

Re: Nead help with contender question - 02/11/2005 11:12 PM

slavage, I agree with vance, if you made a deal then backing out wouldn't be right.
Posted By: Cisco

Re: Nead help with contender question - 02/12/2005 12:39 AM

The flash bounced back really badly in his picture. Looks SS.

I see three thing that tells me it's blue.

First, he mentions blue.

2nd, I have not seen a SS frame with the whole cougar body on it (this is not to say that they were not made).

3rd, I have not seen any SS frames with the pivot pin in the front of trigger guard. That makes it old style frame. They changed that with serial # 195,000 in about 1981. Don't think they made SS frames then.

Hate to say it BUT I think you should have done your home work a little better and go ahead and enjoy your new frame.

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