
Guys... My appologies...

Posted By: Raptortrapper

Guys... My appologies... - 02/08/2012 3:27 AM

A few months back, I absolutely LOST it on this forum. I'm not going to get into the details very deep. Just sufice it to say that I was corrected on some technical terminology, and I flew off the handle. I admit I didn't handle it well at all, and absolutely came unglued at the seams. Looking back at it, it was very trivial, and I'm sure the technical correction was not done in a rude manner, or with bad intentions. I appologize for what I said and how I acted during that post.

I had some things happen in the last couple months since I have been gone. When I left for a while because of the above mentioned incident, I was right on the doorstep of finally being able to buy reloading equipment and the .460 that I love so dearly. But an uncle with some financial trouble needed some help, and I lost two family members unexpectedly. So the 460 has to wait...

The family issues are what made me look back at what happened on here a couple months ago. In the grand scheme of things, a correction on a technical term concerning a part of a gun is really just a grain of sand on the beach. And I'm sorry I flew off the handle so easily.

There is more to this sport of handgun hunting than making sure a person calls all the parts by name. Or that a new guy can't just ask a simple question. Or that an old timer can't gently correct something. Or that one gun is plenty, or that 50 isn't enough. Or that my chamber, or caliber, or barrel length is better than yours. Or that cast bullets...(I'll leave THAT one alone!!).
But seriously guys, these handguns and this whole way of life, as much as we love it, honestly really doesn't ammount to a hill of beans when you put things into perspective of what is really important. Let me say it this way-- I'll go down fightin to the death if someone comes to steal my guns, but I'd GLADLY give up every one of them if it meant I could get my two family members back.

So with that being said, and with many appologies offered, I'd like to rejoin the forum if you'll have me.
Posted By: s4s4u

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/08/2012 4:16 AM

Welcome back ;-)
Posted By: HoggHunter

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/08/2012 4:22 AM

long as you bring cookies and photos
Posted By: HoggHunter

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/08/2012 4:32 AM

Friends is Friends, we visit this place because this is where our friends are. Life is tough and nobody gets out of it alive. I lost my brother when I was young and I learned from that that being mad is temporary,being dead is permanent. When you truly share a common interest with such a diverse group of knowledgeable guys, it is easy to get carried away with your opinions, but its easy to come right back to find out who's shootin' what at what, and who has an idea bout how to solve that danged twisted barrel syndrome, or what's the biggest critter that's been kilt this week with a handgun. Nope i don't buy gum mags any more because there are way too many knowledgeable folks right here on these pages. too many good ideas, good photos and way too much good honest advice. welcome back.
Posted By: minnesotahunter

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/08/2012 4:58 AM

Very sorry for your loss.

As for the other stuff, don't worry about it. We all have days when something sets us off more than it should.(at least I do)

Welcome back.

Posted By: Ernie

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/08/2012 5:28 AM

We all get our nose twisted out of shape at one time or another.
It takes a man to own up, humble himself, and take responsibility for their words and actions.
Most of us have times where an event(s) happens that gets our attention and gives us perspective. Some people don't pay attention in those events, but many people "wake up and smell the coffee" and are better/more balanced people because of it.
Sounds like you were reminded of what things are most important-Good for you!
Welcome back!
Posted By: junebug

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/08/2012 8:06 AM

I've lost two brothers in the past 5 yrs. to cancer. One just this past fall so I understand your sentiment about what you would give up for one more day,but we can't change things that are done,or said. We can only go on. So ask what you will, and call it what you want ,most will know what you mean, and answer to the best of their abilities. One of my favorite guns holds a rock and throws sparks everywhere, it don't have a mag,a clip or a cylinder (I think its defective)!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back.
Posted By: Whitworth

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/08/2012 11:44 AM

Welcome back! No harm, no foul! So sorry to hear of your losses.
Posted By: blondie1520

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/08/2012 3:06 PM

Welcome back and sorry to hear about all the bad happenings! I learn alot from this forum that would otherwise take years and money i don't have! It's like one big happy family, after awhile you feel it in your gut that you can trust the fella on the other end.
Posted By: wtroper

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/08/2012 4:27 PM

Welcome back. Sorry to hear about your losses.
Posted By: wheeler45

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/08/2012 7:31 PM

Welcome home. My prayers are with you.
Posted By: briarhopper

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/08/2012 7:46 PM

Yes, welcome back.
Posted By: Dave Tarbell

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/08/2012 7:53 PM

All the best to you,I too have lost a brother that I was very close to,its easy to think about all the good years he didnt have but its all in the Lords hands including having to bury your closest brother,welcome back.
Posted By: cottonstalk

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/08/2012 8:24 PM

Don't sweat it,everyone of us has been nbent out of shape at some time or another and most of us just roll on along. Sorry for your loss.
Posted By: bfr4570

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/08/2012 9:13 PM

Sorry for your loss.

If you dont have a argument every now and then. Life would get boring. Atleast thats what my wife says.

Like my grandfather use to tell me. If you get mad walk away for a little while and it wont be as bad. You know the older I get the smarter he gets.
Posted By: rlb

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/08/2012 10:53 PM

Sorry for your loss and our prayers are with you.

Take a breath and let's get back in the game.
Posted By: chiefbg

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/09/2012 12:02 AM

If there is anything we can do as a group just let us know, I'm sure we'll all do what we can. Missed you, welcome home...
Posted By: tradmark

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/09/2012 12:50 AM

well, i'm sure i've taken a few things around here too seriously at times. who hasn't. sorry for your loss and good luck on that 460. welcome back.
Posted By: racksmasher

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/09/2012 1:07 AM

My condolences.
Posted By: Pasco

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/09/2012 1:36 AM

Wow, lot's of good replies here. I'm impressed and glad to be involved with this group. Welcome back.
Posted By: Raptortrapper

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/09/2012 2:20 AM

Thank you all very much. I certainly didn't expect all the thoughts and prayers, it is greatly appreciated. I still have a hard time with the losses, but everyone keeps telling me time will heal that. Sure doesn't seem like it now though...

I work nights, so this is the first time I have been back on here since I posted this thread last night. You all have certainly made me feel welcome again, and yes, this really does feel like "home". I didn't realize how much I missed this forum till tonight!

Thank you all very much!
Posted By: Whitworth

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/09/2012 2:22 AM

Time will make it easier, but you may never completely heal.....

Now you need to stick around!
Posted By: Raptortrapper

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/09/2012 2:34 AM

 Originally Posted By: Whitworth

Now you need to stick around!

I certainly plan on it! :-) Thanks!!
Posted By: rlb

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/09/2012 2:49 AM

Just keep in mind that we will do what we can for you. Friends are sometimes hard to come by. You have plenty here.
Posted By: Raptortrapper

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/09/2012 3:54 AM

 Originally Posted By: rlb
Friends are sometimes hard to come by.

Man isn't that the truth. I just moved back up here to Colorado in September, and it is difficult to find new friends. Here in the oil field, most of these guys are pretty rough -- not people I would want around my wife. We are slowly finding people with common interests as us, but not anyone I would say is a friend yet.

You guys and your replies have been very encouraging. I have let my wife know what you have all said, and she said I am lucky to have a good forum with good members. She says most forums and the people in them don't give a rat's backside about the personal life of one of its members. I'm not real computer savy, so my wife usually does all the computer stuff. She has all that facetwitter stuff, but I don't have a clue about any of it. But when I got interested in handgun hunting a few years ago, she told me there is probably a "forum" concerning it. SHE did the research and found you guys. She helped me get started and how to get it all set up and how to post. She used to tease me that this handgun hunting forum is the only "social network" I have. I didn't even know what a social network was till she told me it was like the "facetwitter" as I call it.

Man, now I REALLY feel stupid for losing my mind a few months ago. Thanks to all of you for the support and the forgiveness. I sure appreciate it. Being here sure is a great way to get my mind off of things for a while.
Posted By: punkinslinger

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/09/2012 4:16 AM

Raptor, Great to have ya back. Good people sometimes make bad decisions, it does not make us bad people, we all learn from them and move ahead.

Remember the good times and smile, even laugh out loud, they will hear it and you'll feel better.
Posted By: Anniex

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/09/2012 8:06 PM

Welcome Home!
Posted By: Gregg Richter

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/10/2012 1:53 AM


Give me a holler sometime if you are in the front range area; I live out past Conifer (near Pine Junction). I would be happy to meet up with you; maybe even go bust a few caps either at the Gun Club where I am a member (near Idaho Springs) or go out to my old coyote huntin'/stompin' grounds (South Park). Maybe even drag Fowler along.

Sorry... but all of these ideas of mine take some driving several MILES, but hey...let me know.

Posted By: Raptortrapper

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/10/2012 2:59 AM

Thank you Gregg! May take ya up on that! I live in Rifle, and would really enjoy learning some stuff from you guys!!
Posted By: TCTex.

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/13/2012 2:23 AM

Proverbs 17:17
Posted By: SS 308

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/19/2012 1:01 AM

Welcome back and very sorry for your loss. I almost lost my wife this last December, so I can't imagine the pain.

Hang in there...
Posted By: Franchise

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/19/2012 3:56 PM

Raptortrapper, I can remember a few years ago also getting ticked off a few times. It used to bug me when folks would swear by certain bullet types and guns for large, dangerous game. They would swear you had to have this or that to reliably take such game. Then it came to light that these folks have never taken such large, dangerous game. That would be like taking racing advice from someone who drives a Prius. It makes you shake your head, but thats life. It doesn't take long to find out who practices what they preach.
Posted By: Whitworth

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/20/2012 1:01 AM

Those expanding jacketed bullet guys were drinking some serious KoolAde!!

LOL! Sorry David, I couldn't resist!
Posted By: Franchise

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/20/2012 1:33 AM

LOL - It's all good
Posted By: s4s4u

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/20/2012 2:24 AM

 Originally Posted By: Whitworth
Those expanding jacketed bullet guys were drinking some serious KoolAde!!

Posted By: TCTex.

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/20/2012 2:38 AM

I cried I laughed so hard…

Well done Gents!!!
Posted By: Raptortrapper

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/20/2012 4:35 AM

HAHAHA!!! I remember that discussion! I think some people had to go sit in time-out over that one! :-)
Posted By: cfish2

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/23/2012 1:48 AM

 Originally Posted By: Whitworth
Those expanding jacketed bullet guys were drinking some serious KoolAde!!

LOL! Sorry David, I couldn't resist!

There ya go sturring the pot. LOL, its good to stir it from time to time.
Posted By: Whitworth

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/23/2012 2:20 AM

 Originally Posted By: cfish2
 Originally Posted By: Whitworth
Those expanding jacketed bullet guys were drinking some serious KoolAde!!

LOL! Sorry David, I couldn't resist!

There ya go sturring the pot. LOL, its good to stir it from time to time.

Can't help myself! LOL!
Posted By: jwp475

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 02/24/2012 12:30 AM

Losing family memebers is always a tough amotional blow, no matter the time or the circumstances we are never ready for them to go and it is never easy

Glad you are back
Posted By: Jeffx

Re: Guys... My appologies... - 03/01/2012 7:05 PM

Sorry for your loss...

I too enjoying being a part of this Handgun Family...What ever opinion/comment I have is never intented to hurt or piss anyone off!
...and I dont reply to every issue , I can't/won't I dont have the experience...but what I do reply on I have done or killed.
After 20+ yrs I can say a little and killed alot.
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