
Handgunning Mule Deer & Pronghorn Antelope Video.

Posted By: TCTex.

Handgunning Mule Deer & Pronghorn Antelope Video. - 06/27/2012 1:25 PM

My first impression of Gregg Richter's Video "Handgunning Mule Deer and Pronghorn Antelope" was honestly one of question. It wasn’t what I was expecting out of your typical hunting video/show. What Mr. Gregg did was set the tone of his entire video by just being himself. The roots of and humble origin of the video speak for itself; he was out spending time with his family making memories. Something every parent looks forward to, just as I do with my three boys and their lovely mother…

From the hunting shows we usually watch we acclimate ourselves to “Hollywood” movie productions or a Lo-o-o-ot of filler and off topic side comedy/publicity. That isn’t something you will see with Mr. Gregg's video. When you watch the video for the first time you are going to say to yourself, “Is that it?” “Really?” Then you are going to go back and realize that you just watched all 10 hunting clips! Instead of drawing out every hunt and making two hunts last 30 minutes like they do on your average hunt on TV, Gregg cut all the filler and showed you the highlights of the hunts! And he has fun doing it in his own style…

What impressed me as much as anything was the products that he endorsed. Every publication is going to have to have them. Just look at our current topic on “Boar Hunter Magazine” or look at the top of your screen here and you will see them as well. But Mr. Gregg doesn’t endorse a single product he doesn’t/didn’t actually use in his daily hunting extravaganzas. Every single product he suggested or recommended can be found in his pictures here on Handgun Hunter in the Bragging Board. That speaks volumes to me for his merit and principles.

You can watch the video and be critical of it. It is VERY easy to do. “He is reading cue cards,” “That picture is of the 6.5 JDJ Contender and not his Son’s 308 Encore,” are some of the comments that could be said after viewing the video. Having been in the recording industry professionally in the Navy Band both audibly and visually, I know how easy it is to make a fool of yourself. IMHO, Mr. Gregg did an outstanding job utilizing his available resources and seat-of-the-pants production; he did the whole video by himself, without any formal "Video Creation/Production Education.".

What is also included in the film, that we don’t see in hunting shows, without endorsing products, is a fairly lengthy discussion of handgun hunting history and a discussion of the types of handguns available. The presentation that is done is first class. Comprehendible by a novice; yet respectable enough for the salty handgunner. But it is the presentation itself again that impressed me. EG, Instead of saying “I” did this and “I” did that it was “this was presented” and “with the help of.”

This video is just a reflection of the type of work that Mr. Gregg has been doing to promote handgun hunting for quite some time. It is no doubt that this culmination of work helped with his selection as one of the "World’s most recognized and accomplished handgun hunters" by SCI Magazine. I have to say that I can’t wait to see the next production… LOL

Take care and thanks for reading!

Posted By: Gregg Richter

Re: Handgunning Mule Deer & Pronghorn Antelope Video. - 06/28/2012 3:01 AM

Thank you for the nice write-up, Tex.

Yes I am slowly but surely working on my Elk hunting video. I may have "out-done" myself on the first one with so many kill scenes; getting the elk kill scenes will take a while. But heck, that first video took 5-6 years of antelope and mule deer hunts, where the kill success rate is higher than on elk.
Posted By: Roger308

Re: Handgunning Mule Deer & Pronghorn Antelope Video. - 07/30/2012 6:32 AM

just checked out the website...looks cool.

keep up the good work
Posted By: Sawfish

Re: Handgunning Mule Deer & Pronghorn Antelope Video. - 08/01/2012 9:00 PM

Gee, I really missed the 40+ commercials that you get in an average hours worth of viewing the hunting channels (LOL). Good job Gregg.
Posted By: Gregg Richter

Re: Handgunning Mule Deer & Pronghorn Antelope Video. - 08/03/2012 6:24 PM

Thank you sir. Also thanks for your help on it originally.
Posted By: UglyDawg

Re: Handgunning Mule Deer & Pronghorn Antelope Video. - 08/03/2012 10:22 PM

I appreciate your analysis TCTex. I placed my order for a copy earlier this week and am really looking forward to viewing and learning from it.

One of the many reasons I wanted a copy was so my son (13) and I could spend some quality time together and give him the opportunity to experience a level of skill that he'd never get from me.

I'll do my best to keep an eye out for the next video, which I'm sure will also bring great honor to the Sport of Hunting with Handguns.
Posted By: esoxman50

Re: Handgunning Mule Deer & Pronghorn Antelope Video. - 08/04/2012 7:26 PM

I liked the video too.The only problem was it kept shutting off and restarting, made it hard to watch.

Joe W
Posted By: Gregg Richter

Re: Handgunning Mule Deer & Pronghorn Antelope Video. - 08/05/2012 12:48 AM

That is not normal; have not had any other complaints. It may be your player; if you wish PM me your mailing address and I will send you another copy.

Posted By: Gregg Richter

Re: Handgunning Mule Deer & Pronghorn Antelope Video. - 08/06/2012 2:23 AM

 Originally Posted By: esoxman50
I liked the video too.The only problem was it kept shutting off and restarting, made it hard to watch.

Joe W

Joe and I exchanged PM's and I am sending him another copy. By all means, if anyone else has experienced this problem I want to know about it.

Thank you.


Posted By: UglyDawg

Re: Handgunning Mule Deer & Pronghorn Antelope Video. - 08/09/2012 5:13 PM

I received my copy (worked fine in my laptop) and I thought it was a real treat to be able to see the animals and the hunters in their true environments. I really appreciated receiving the Monster Muley story you sent along with it. I slipped up and down that mountain every time you did. Thanks for all the hard work you and your son put into making this exciting and relevant. It is exactly what I needed .... a great learning video.

I do believe that with an eye patch, Gregg would make a fine Rooster Cogburn. He kind of had that "old duke" swagger about him when he was getting up onto his horse didn't he?

I'm looking forward to seeing more from Hunter's eye Video Productions.
Posted By: Gregg Richter

Re: Handgunning Mule Deer & Pronghorn Antelope Video. - 08/10/2012 4:05 AM

Ha ha! Hey there UglyDawg, that gives me even more encouragement! Thank you sir. That is way cool...

As for Rooster, in the re-make, he had the eye patch on the wrong eye! (for shooting right-handed, that is)


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