
PETA Kills Animals

Posted By: Gary

PETA Kills Animals - 05/12/2005 4:35 PM

I love these guys.
World Net Daily Article on PETA
Posted By: DakotaElkSlayer

Re: PETA Kills Animals - 05/13/2005 6:25 AM

Thanks for the link! Isn't it amazing that PETA has killed more animals in the last 7 years than all the members of this forum combined?!!!

Posted By: Gary

Re: PETA Kills Animals - 05/13/2005 8:34 PM

Yeah but we had a hell of a lot more fun.
Posted By: TomC

Re: PETA Kills Animals - 05/13/2005 8:47 PM

Thanks for the heads up, Gary. I hope everybody also signs the petition to get their tax exempt status revoked. What a bunch of jerks!!!
Posted By: RickyP

Re: PETA Kills Animals - 05/14/2005 12:09 AM

I have an animal rights nut living close to the public hunting land that i hunt on all the time. I have seen her putting anti hunting signs on the sign in board.

I think I will print that out and put it on a tree by the end of her driveway so she can see it.
Posted By: RSA_LT

Re: PETA Kills Animals - 05/15/2005 8:15 PM

That's the best thing I've heard since the hunting trip was cancelled.

They tried a stint over here. Accosting school kids about the make up of their packed lunch. Eventually they were made to look like a laughing stock when lured onto national television and the interviewer boxed them in a corner they couldn't get out of without egg on their faces.

Posted By: Saint

Re: PETA Kills Animals - 05/15/2005 10:47 PM

I recently had an experience with one of these wacko's. I was bowhunting a NWR in Louisiana on a day birdwatchers were counting birds. I was walking to my truck to take a break when this couple came up asking what i was doing! So I politely said "hunting". I decided to go back in the woods to get away from these two cause they looked to be plotting something. When I came back, someone had taken a dump on the hood of my truck, which has 35" mud tires on it. I just wish I could have got it on camera!
Posted By: RickyP

Re: PETA Kills Animals - 05/18/2005 6:54 PM

I got to have some fun today with that artical.
I printed out several copys of it and putthem in my truck.

I went out to have lunch with the wife this afternoon, and wouldn't you kbnow it I parcked my a car with one of the PETA tags on it. I Put one of the printouts under the wiper blade. I went in and sat down at a table so I could see the car. about 15 minutes the two ladies behind me gut up and went out to the parking lot. thye went right to the car. the driver took the print out read it and started looking all around the look on her face was great I just wish I could have heard what she was saying to her friend. after she looked around she reread it and they both got in the car. I thought she would just toss it on the ground but she took it with her. I will be putting one on a known PETA member and anti hunting woman's driveway tonight. the only bad thing is it is way out of my way so I could not see how she reacts to it
Posted By: bisleyfan44

Re: PETA Kills Animals - 05/18/2005 11:19 PM

great job, ricky. you may have converted her since she took it with her. you never know, most people probably don't know this about peta. and it may change their mind when they find out. most people are pretty fair, they just usually only hear one side and most of the time it's not ours.
Posted By: RickyP

Re: PETA Kills Animals - 05/19/2005 12:48 AM

as much as they hammer us saying we are bad people. I thought it was time to turn the tables.

I bet most of the people that have the PETA tags think theya re doing somethign good, little do they know
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