
Did you handgun or bowhunt first?

Posted By: DakotaElkSlayer

Did you handgun or bowhunt first? - 05/15/2005 4:16 PM

Just curious on this... I am relatively new to bowhunting. That "close and personal" relationship to the prey in bowhunting compelled me to buy a pistol this spring for hunting during rifle season this year.
I LOVE shooting my bow, but I haven't shot more than twice since my revolver arrived. I have become totally addicted to shooting and reloading this thing!!!

Posted By: magman

Re: Did you handgun or bowhunt first? - 05/15/2005 7:36 PM

I started off with bowhunting cuz, handgun hunting wasn't allowed where I was stationed(New Jersey). Now that I am in New York, the handgun mecca by the way, I hunt with both. I find myself practicing more frequesntly with my handgun an with my bow, just cause I like shooting my handguns. I always get plenty of bow practice before season, but I don't shot year round like I do with my handguns.

Re: Did you handgun or bowhunt first? - 05/15/2005 7:56 PM

I also started bowhunting first, just because of my age. Then not now . I love shooting my Matthews but the handguns, actually all guns win out as far as "practice". But there is nothing like sending an arrow thru the rib cage of a nice whitetail buck. But then again it is nice to let the air out of a buck with a peestol shooting my handloads.... Boy I can't wait for October. I am going to watch a Realtree video to get my whitetail fix
Posted By: Tigger

Re: Did you handgun or bowhunt first? - 05/15/2005 11:25 PM

I bought my first handgun when I turned 21. (close to 20 years ago) I got 2 deer that first year and was HOOKED!! I put away the long guns and never looked back. I had never touched a bow until 2 years ago. The first year I practiced alot but never got a shot at a dear during season. Last year I practiced all summer and when season came I got a nice 4 point, the left antler was broke off. I really enjoy bow hunting almost as much as handgun hunting, but if I had to choose the handgun would win hands down.
Posted By: TCScout

Re: Did you handgun or bowhunt first? - 05/16/2005 2:33 AM

Handgun. Its where I started and its still my favorite.
Posted By: KYODE

Re: Did you handgun or bowhunt first? - 05/16/2005 11:49 AM

reckon i bowhunted first. i got my first bow as a young teenager, but started actually hunting deer in my early 20's. sigh..........20+ years ago

gave up my bow a while back. just as soon fill my tags with the things i dearly love. i WILL use handguns untill i draw my last breath.
Posted By: WNY_Whitetailer

Re: Did you handgun or bowhunt first? - 05/16/2005 12:47 PM

Started bowhunting back in 97...Just started handgun hunting in 2004...Still love the bow the best...Handgun is a close second though.
Posted By: Dan B.

Re: Did you handgun or bowhunt first? - 05/16/2005 5:50 PM

I've bowhunted since I was thirteen years old. Shot a deer that year and went to CO and shot an elk then next. Then I started shooting 3D, got picked up by HoytUSA as a Co-Op shooter, won two PSAA indoor titles, two IBO state titles, and placed as high as 7th in the World IBO shoot. For almost ten years I did not even have to hunt with a rifle because I filled all my tags with a bow. Then I started getting burned out...turned a hobby into a job and lost interest...that was about the same time as I started reloading and shooting Contenders. Been doing that for almost ten years now and loving it! (Much better than shotguns if you read my other post!! ) Still shooting the bow and archery hunting from time to time though.

Been shooting the bow a couple times a week lately. Getting back to close was I could do before I quit competing...I've been averaging about 4" at 40 yards...used to be able to do 3" at 50 yards. Still shooting a Hoyt!!
Posted By: KYODE

Re: Did you handgun or bowhunt first? - 05/16/2005 7:00 PM

what?.........not a matthews i never was quite tournament material.......if ya know what i mean. only killed 3 or 4 does by bow, and missed about that many also.

i think huntin with, loadin for, and shootin these hunting handguns is the most enjoyable thing for me. everyone has to find the "perfect fit" for them.
Posted By: Chief RID

Re: Did you handgun or bowhunt first? - 05/16/2005 11:06 PM

It was always the bow for me. I first hunted deer as a kid back in the 60s and returned to hunting in the 80s with a compound. I am back to the traditional now and I started handgun hunting to extend my range a little and for the fun of it. It has proved more difficult for me that the bow.
Posted By: DakotaElkSlayer

Re: Did you handgun or bowhunt first? - 05/17/2005 4:41 PM


I started handgun hunting to extend my range a little and for the fun of it. It has proved more difficult for me that the bow.

Chief, join the club! I shoot a C.P. Oneida compound and so far I shoot tighter groups with Slick Trick broadheads @ 50yds. than I do with my .45 Colt WITH A 2X SCOPE!!!!! Sure is FUN, though!

Posted By: bisleyfan44

Re: Did you handgun or bowhunt first? - 05/18/2005 10:36 PM

jim, i thought i was the only one. when i started with the pistol, i was so aggravated . i could easily outshoot myself with a bow when compared to a handgun. i think when you draw a bow back and have it anchored, it is very stable compared to a handgun. except when sandbagged or something. anyway, i've gotten a little better now and can no longer outshoot my handgun with a bow...which is a good thing!! PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!!
Posted By: DakotaElkSlayer

Re: Did you handgun or bowhunt first? - 05/18/2005 11:47 PM


i think when you draw a bow back and have it anchored, it is very stable compared to a handgun. except when sandbagged or something.

I am using sandbags!!!!

Posted By: bisleyfan44

Re: Did you handgun or bowhunt first? - 05/19/2005 8:14 PM

oops ! oh well, just keep on shooting. you'll get there, i promise. it just takes time. i'm still not anywhere near where i want to be !
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