
Postal Match...deadline EXTENDED...Sept 25

Posted By: Dan B.

Postal Match...deadline EXTENDED...Sept 25 - 08/16/2005 7:59 PM

Field Position Match

No bench rest! Any field position that you choose.


Open sighted handguns...25 yards.
Scoped less than 4X...single shot, autos, and revolver...50 yards
Any scoped handgun with 4X and higher optics...100 yards.

Postal Match Target Link

Ten rounds are to be fired for whatever class you choose to shoot. You can use two targets with five rounds on each. Scoring is 10 for center and two points less for each ring outward. The outer most ring is two points.

Deadline is September 17th.
Posted By: wapitirod

Re: Postal Match...deadline Sept 17 - 08/17/2005 7:56 AM

Dan, can you shoot all three classes or one class with more than one gun and how does the rest of this work?
Posted By: Dan B.

Re: Postal Match...deadline Sept 17 - 08/17/2005 10:11 AM

Shoot as many classes as you wish with as many guns as you wish. Of course it's all on the honor system...we'll trust that everyone is using some type of field shooting position...offhand, shooting sticks, bipod, etc...just as long as you are not sitting at a "benchrest."

When you have completed shooting, send targets to:

Dan Bowers
PO Box 156
Armagh, PA 15920
Posted By: Dan B.

Re: Postal Match...deadline Sept 17 - 08/28/2005 2:59 AM

Anyone shooting their targets? I may try to tomorrow at least with a .22LR.
Posted By: KYODE

Re: Postal Match...deadline Sept 17 - 08/28/2005 4:51 AM

i'm gonna try dan. got a lotta loadin etc to do though.
Posted By: wapitirod

Re: Postal Match...deadline Sept 17 - 09/15/2005 9:22 AM

Dan, any chance of extending the deadline a week? I was going to shoot last weekend but had problems with my contender and had to get my new scope set up on my 500 ready for ELK SEASON, sorry I become kind of a drooling slob when it gets down to the last couple of weeks before I get to chase the big boys
Posted By: Dan B.

Re: Postal Match...deadline Sept 17 - 09/15/2005 11:19 AM

Extending it won't hurt a bit...deadline is know the 25th of Sept.
Posted By: Dan B.

Re: Postal Match...deadline Sept 17 - 09/29/2005 11:10 AM

No targets were received as of 9/28 so I guess I win!
Posted By: Vance in AK.

Re: Postal Match...deadline Sept 17 - 09/29/2005 5:44 PM

Hey Dan, if you want to extend it one more month, I promise I'll shoot it. Trust me, you'll still win. Is there a category you didn't shoot? I might have a chance there!
Seriously, now that moose season is over I'll make it work if anybody else is up for it. I would shoot rimfire w/open sights, & maybe centerfire with open sights. Maybe the other categories too if I can get some reloading done.
My only problem(other than time) is I'll have to have someone rlse print the targets for me but that shouldn't be a problem. For some reason my computer won't print color, so the rings won't come out.
Posted By: cyberhick

Re: Postal Match...deadline EXTENDED...Sept 25 - 09/29/2005 6:23 PM

I wasn't able to shoot due to work and personal schedual, but could i shoot now and mail it in?
Posted By: wapitirod

Re: Postal Match...deadline Sept 17 - 09/30/2005 3:42 PM

Dan, I've got my 25 and 50 yd targets done although not real awsome groups, but my shoulder gave out before I could do the hundred , it's been giving me fits for a while now so I went to the doc and found out it's torn in 3 places, so I can't play with any of my big guns until after surgery next month , anyhow back to the point, if you want I'll send in the targets I shot, I used my 475@25 and my bfr45-70@50.
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