
Hunting Trip Pics of potential hog tracks?

Posted By: Rmagnum1183

Hunting Trip Pics of potential hog tracks? - 01/27/2015 2:34 AM

Hey whats up guys i recently went hunting with my wife, in an early foggy morning, and i read some interesting things about tracking hogs, I think i stumbled upon freshly dug up ground by hogs can you guys confirm this? Also any hog tracking tips are appreciated me and my wife started hunting last year and gone hunting 4 times and no hogs (WMA btw)


Posted By: Gary

Re: Hunting Trip Pics of potential hog tracks? - 01/27/2015 3:56 AM

Looks like hogs to me.
Posted By: Whitworth

Re: Hunting Trip Pics of potential hog tracks? - 01/27/2015 2:04 PM

 Originally Posted By: Gary
Looks like hogs to me.

Posted By: 500WE

Re: Hunting Trip Pics of potential hog tracks? - 01/27/2015 2:26 PM

Me too.
Posted By: Russell

Re: Hunting Trip Pics of potential hog tracks? - 01/27/2015 2:36 PM

Either hogs or one 'helluva' armadillo.....
Posted By: 98Redline

Re: Hunting Trip Pics of potential hog tracks? - 01/27/2015 5:19 PM

An armadillo that big would move on tracks, not legs.

On the tracking part:
At least in my experience hogs tend to run the same patterns night after night, unless the food runs out or something disturbs the patters (hunting pressure).
From the looks of the one photo, it looks pretty wide open. I would try to follow the track back and see if you can figure out where they are coming out of cover and starting to feed.

Set up on the downwind side around mid afternoon and wait. Your best chance will probably be around dusk to just before dark (depending on your hunting regulations).

Hogs don't see very well but they can smell better than a whitetail. No amount of scent control clothing or spray will foil their nose. The wind is your friend.

Also a google maps aerial shot of the area might help us give you a better idea of where to concentrate your efforts.
Posted By: Rmagnum1183

Re: Hunting Trip Pics of potential hog tracks? - 01/27/2015 7:06 PM

GREAT! well here is the Aerial picture you asked for.. the Red line was were i came in with my truck, the black square is my truck
the green line is what i walked and the red circles were all disturbed ground like the previous posts.

Posted By: Gary

Re: Hunting Trip Pics of potential hog tracks? - 01/27/2015 7:57 PM

Open as that is I bet they are doing it at night. You might catch them coming to water about dark if it's hot out. A hog pipe with some corn and jello mixed might entice them to a specific location.
Posted By: reflex264

Re: Hunting Trip Pics of potential hog tracks? - 02/05/2015 12:03 AM

yep that looks like the makings of a pig shoot!
Posted By: 98Redline

Re: Hunting Trip Pics of potential hog tracks? - 02/06/2015 1:44 PM

Pretty wide open area. I agree with Gary, night or right before dark.

Also, pigs will move quite a distance to feed. My "guess" based on the location of the rooted up areas is that they are coming from the South East corner, near where the Google tools are located in the bottom right part of the image and moving up towards the north where you stalked.

If the wind is from the South or East, this might give you an opportunity to set up right on the edge of the field and possibly have a shot if they exit the woods early enough for you to see.

The line you stalked (at the bottom of the triangle, headed west to your truck), if you draw a line south east, there what looks like a little finger of the field sticking into the scrub. I would set up right at the mouth of that (before it opens into the main field). There is two small clumps of scrub (south west of what appears to be the dried up pond) that should give you some cover and allow you to see the pigs coming from quite a ways off.

If the wind is right, I would set up there around 3:00pm and wait it out till dark.

The pig pole is a good idea as well.
Posted By: Rmagnum1183

Re: Hunting Trip Pics of potential hog tracks? - 02/10/2015 6:43 AM

awesome thanks will be going back this sunday
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