
RobR. Howd moose season go?

Posted By: Vance in AK.

RobR. Howd moose season go? - 09/30/2005 9:12 PM

I read your post that said you tore the ligament. That stinks. Hope you have a quick & complete recovery.
Have you done any hunting this fall?
My moose season was non-productive.
Good to see you post.
Posted By: RobR

Re: RobR. Howd moose season go? - 10/03/2005 9:11 PM

Hey Vance, no joy on this end. At least you got to get out and give it a try. So far I haven't even set foot in the field, and haven't been to the range in months.

May get to go hunting next week for moose (season still open where i hunt), but not looking like I can get away from work. Was at least going to try to thin out the brown bears a little on this trip if I couldn't find a moose.

Looks like I may just go blacktail hunting in the Sound from my boat. Fun hunting and usually can get my deer for winter meat.

You will find that bull one of these days. May still be enough time left for a black bear in the berries if that is your thing.

Nice hearing from you. Take care.
Posted By: Vance in AK.

Re: RobR. Howd moose season go? - 10/03/2005 10:17 PM

I hope things at work change so you can at least get out & kill some time if nothing else. Hate to see you miss the whole season.
I may try & get out & see if I can catch a bear in the berries yet, but like you time is the crunch. I have a friend from outside that keeps a nice 22' boat here that I have access to anytime & was hoping to at least get time to take a cruise on Skilak & Kenai lakes & see what I could spot on the hilsides, but time may not even allow that.
I've had access to it for over 2 years & never got it in the water. If nothing else I'm hoping for spring black bear out of Homer. I've never tried that before.
I haven't heard if they are going to let us hunt brownies own here or not, but I think I'll take the .444 Marlin Contender out & play with it just in case I get a chance.
Best of luck to you.
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