
Great Commercial

Posted By: TomC

Great Commercial - 12/14/2005 7:29 PM

Posted By: Cossack

Re: Great Commercial - 12/14/2005 8:34 PM

Man, that near brought tears. Thanks, Tom.
PS. Not quite how I was treated coming home in '66.
Posted By: Geems3

Re: Great Commercial - 12/15/2005 9:24 AM

I'm with you Cossack. The American people have come a long way since I came home in "69".
Posted By: wapitirod

Re: Great Commercial - 12/15/2005 10:04 AM

although I wasn't born until 68, my middle name comes from my uncle who was killed in 67, he was there 6 months and earned several medals including the bronze star and purple heart posthumously(both of which now hang prominently and proudly in the entry way of my house). To this day my mom carries guilt because living in the san francisco bay area she was afraid to talk to anyone about it because of the way you guys were treated, I'm glad that with as screwed up as this country is now at least these guys don't have to go through what our men from vietnam did.
Posted By: JWCRABB

Re: Great Commercial - 12/15/2005 6:29 PM

That is a cool commerical. When my son came home from his tour in Iraq last Christmas, they had firetrucks lined up on the runway at Dallas shooting water arcs across the runway. Our small town had signs everywhere welcoming him home. I am really proud of the support our country is giving our family members who are over there.
Posted By: GrnMntMan

Re: Great Commercial - 12/15/2005 8:39 PM

Great commercial.
Posted By: Fry22

Re: Great Commercial - 12/15/2005 9:48 PM

Loved the commercial i had some friends that went and did a tour in Iraq they all worked out in my gym. All came home safe lost one guy that died in a motorcycle wreck a couple months ago though really sad he honked at me and then that afternoon he had his wreck.
Posted By: magman

Re: Great Commercial - 12/15/2005 10:47 PM

Thanks to Anheuser Busch for producing such a commercial. It is not about whether the situation in Iraq is right or wrong. It is about those young man and women laying it on the line for us and for another country who will never appreciate what was given to them. Thanks to all those people in our military striving to protect those rights that we have.

BTW, I think we should support those companies that have supported out troops. Also maybe boycott those companies who are against our troops. Companies such as Starbucks Coffee that put their political rhethoric above those troops who are serving their country no matter what the cost.
Posted By: Cossack

Re: Great Commercial - 12/16/2005 6:16 PM

I find it interesting that our presedent equates not supporting his stance on an unjust war to not supporting our troops. I support our troops wholeheartedly. They are doing a super job and have earned my admiration and respect. (That's more than I can say for the W.) I support them by advacating that they be brought back before any more are lost from the mistakes and ego of someone who didn't even see it as his duty to fulfill a commitment to serve.
It's a damn shame that I'm alergic to beer or there would be a fridge full of Busch hereabouts.
Posted By: akbejeepin

Re: Great Commercial - 12/16/2005 9:28 PM


Posted By: wapitirod

Re: Great Commercial - 12/16/2005 9:50 PM

Kind of like Vietnam, my uncle died a hero in vain because a lack of guts back home, we pulled our guys out and now all of Vietnam is communist and in case anybody hasn't noticed vietnam, north korea, china and cuba didn't fall with the soviet union, Korea and Vietnam were about stopping communism overseas instead of on our doorstep just like Iraq has become the battle ground for stopping islamic freaks over there instead of in our homeland. maybe the memories of 911 have faded too much and we need to get hit again to refresh our memories, these people hate us and aren't going to back off because we turn tail and run, they will be here in force. living here in oregon this is reality since the majority of arrests have been in my state since 911 and not just in places like portland, the two freaks trying to open there training camp were doing so right in the middle of prime mule deer country in the middle of no where. I have a strong feeling if you asked our troops they would say that of course they want to come home but they also want to finish what they started. I did my time in the submarine service but if I were 15 yrs younger and not busted to pieces I would be there with our guys. any how I'll get off the soap box now.
Posted By: JeffD

Re: Great Commercial - 12/16/2005 10:44 PM

I agree...that is great! I never served, but I'm proud of all who have and do. God bless!
Posted By: JD HHI 6092

Re: Great Commercial - 12/17/2005 3:53 AM

Got to agree a great commercial. I did notice that none of those folks have a name/service tape or rank insignia on the uniform. Must be paid actors but it gets the point across. That one reason I drink Bud, they support the Troops
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