
Four more days til the SBH gets to come with.

Posted By: Robk

Four more days til the SBH gets to come with. - 10/14/2008 8:24 PM

Four more days til the modern firearms season opens here in Geogia. Hoping to get one right off the bat with the pistol. Season is doing good so far. ML season opened here last weekend and so far I've dropped an 8pt on opening morning and a doe this morning. 10 more tags to go.

Posted By: bisleyfan44

Re: Four more days til the SBH gets to come with. - 10/14/2008 10:10 PM

Rob, that sounds like our bag limits here in MD. We're allowed 12 deer in each season (bow,ml,gun) for a total of 36. Plus if you add in special hunts and the sikas, you can top out around 50 deer per year per person. They're kinda thick around here.

Good luck with the rest of your ml season and hopefully you get to use your SBH on a few as well.
Posted By: pab1

Re: Four more days til the SBH gets to come with. - 10/14/2008 10:11 PM

Sounds like you're off to a good start. Good luck and be sure to post some pics.
Posted By: tred1956

Re: Four more days til the SBH gets to come with. - 10/15/2008 2:04 AM

Sounds good. Good luck with the rest of the tags. Don't forget the pics!!!!!!!!

Safe shooting
Posted By: Robk

Re: Four more days til the SBH gets to come with. - 10/15/2008 2:26 AM

I'll remember to bring the camera next time.

We get a total of 10 does and 2 bucks(one must be 4 on a side or better).

Posted By: dertiedawg

Re: Four more days til the SBH gets to come with. - 10/15/2008 3:07 PM

Your off to a good start. Maybe you will take your limit this year. Been hunting up in the National Forest as I dont have private land to hunt on, haven't seen much up there this year. Hope that changes this weekend.
Posted By: Robk

Re: Four more days til the SBH gets to come with. - 10/15/2008 5:31 PM

We've got a much higher deer density down this way than you do. you're best bet would be to hunt the funnels if available. Also get up high on those ridges and hunt the draws where they meet the ridge tops.

Posted By: Robk

Re: Four more days til the SBH gets to come with. - 10/15/2008 5:32 PM

here's the little 8 that I took last weekend on the opening morning.

Posted By: rupe

Re: Four more days til the SBH gets to come with. - 10/15/2008 6:19 PM

Man you guys have it made. Here in Oregon, We get one buck and if you draw a antlerless tag you can get a doe or spike too. That's it for the year. 2 deer, that isn't fair that you guys get so many. We have more wilderness here and we don't have that many deer. Man would I love to hunt there!

Nice looking 8 pt. good shooting.
Posted By: bisleyfan44

Re: Four more days til the SBH gets to come with. - 10/15/2008 9:38 PM

rupe, I've got plenty of room here anytime you wanna come on over and blast away, although being a non-resident and living across the country might make it a bit expensive. And keep in mind, that's how many we're allowed, not how many we get. The best year I had when I killed a bunch to donate to Hunters Feeding the Hungry was eight. Of course there were many I let go too; small bucks, fawns, etc. Average per year for me is around four.
Posted By: Robk

Re: Four more days til the SBH gets to come with. - 10/16/2008 1:06 AM

Rupe, we average about 20 deer per square mile here. Also if you hunt the management hunts on certain WMA's the deer are free and don't count against your state tags. It's all about density and land carrying capability. 35 years ago there were about 100k deer in this state. rough guestimate now is somewhere near 2.5 million. Come east man and I'll put you on a deer a day. IF I was still to hunt with a rifle holding multiple rounds and could reach out beyond 200 yards with decent accuracy then I would run out of tags pretty quick. That's the reason I hunt with a ML and my pistol. Shorter ranges and you really have to concentrate to put the ethical shot into them.

Posted By: frankt

Re: Four more days til the SBH gets to come with. - 10/24/2008 1:10 AM

I agree RobK. I hunt Georgia also and gave up the rifle about six years ago. It wasn't fun anymore and it was too easy. Now just longbow, Muzzle Loader and handguns.

Guys, don't get the wrong idea, I sit in the stand for hours and days without seeing a deer sometimes. It can be tough here in Georgia too but with half of October, all of November and December to gun hunt anyone should be able to get a deer.
Posted By: Robk

Re: Four more days til the SBH gets to come with. - 10/25/2008 2:05 AM

15th of January here in the southern zone before the season goes out. Took my daughter out yesterday after work to try and set up on a soybean field. Winds were really bad but we gave it a shot anyway. There were 4 does in the field already when we got there and from the side that we came in on my 8 year old wasn't able to see the deer over the beans with her .243. Might have a shot oportunity on that field tomorrow evening with my SBH. gonna see. Wish me luck...

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