
.38 spec. out of .357 mag?

Posted By: popeanyoung

.38 spec. out of .357 mag? - 01/28/2009 2:51 AM

I was wondering if accuracy is normally lost when shooting .38 special ammo out of a .357 mag revolver, or do they normally shoot about the same?
Posted By: Tigger

Re: .38 spec. out of .357 mag? - 01/28/2009 3:14 AM

Some do and some don't. Only way is to try it. I have a Ruger Security Six that shoots the 38 special as good as the 357 Mag. My 357 Max does not shoot the 357 Mag well at all.

I'm sure you have heard this before, but I'll throw it out there anyway. Always clean the chambers well after shooting a shorter cartridge. The fouling/lead build up can cause pressure problems with the proper round in the dirty chambers.
Posted By: popeanyoung

Re: .38 spec. out of .357 mag? - 01/28/2009 3:27 AM

I have been shoppin around for a nice .357 mag. I have never owned one so I didn't know. Hopefully I get lucky with one that will shoot both well.
Posted By: Tigger

Re: .38 spec. out of .357 mag? - 01/28/2009 3:28 AM

You can always load down the Mag a little and not need to use the shorter brass.
Posted By: Bullelk Hunter

Re: .38 spec. out of .357 mag? - 01/28/2009 1:37 PM

What Tigger said. I load to a lesser load and shhot mostly 357 brass to eliminate the possibility of etching the chamber, but I still occcassionaly shoot 38 spec out of mine. Accuracy lost is minimal if at all depending on load.
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