
Self defence handgun stories. Animals or people.

Posted By: minnesotahunter

Self defence handgun stories. Animals or people. - 05/12/2009 7:01 PM

Anybody care to share any good ones? Acctually good or bad doesn't matter, just lookin for stories.
Posted By: Jeremy

Re: Self defence handgun stories. Animals or people. - 05/12/2009 8:22 PM

I gotta a groundhog in the neck with a knife last year! I walked up on it in my garden and it did even run. Threw a squash at it, kinda knocked it out and then I came down on it with Ol' El Cheapo blade like a Samurai. It was a total of like 3-4 seconds. Man, it got me pumped! I would never have thought of doing that but at the time it was right at my feet. So it was pretty much game on LOL!

I went to sight in a rifle one year in a spot that I have do so many times before. At 300 yards, shot 2 times. Went for the 3rd and looking through the scope and had the cross hairs on the target, finger on trigger, safety off...this little punks head comes right above the target! He had been bow hunting down in a creek behind the target and for some reason he walked to the sound of the gun shots! I got pretty freaked out from that one. There was no sign of anybody being around.
Posted By: Is that a cub

Re: Self defence handgun stories. Animals or people. - 05/13/2009 12:35 AM

Killed a coyote that was attacking my moms chickens with my Buck Mark at 25 feet. Threw a super sneak attack on it from the house. Didn't see me till it was to late. got gunned down on the run and finished with a head shot at point blank range! made me feel like a ninja!!!
Posted By: minnesotahunter

Re: Self defence handgun stories. Animals or people. - 05/14/2009 3:36 PM

Posted By: wapitirod

Re: Self defence handgun stories. Animals or people. - 05/14/2009 10:16 PM

I've had a couple one was life threating the other more a nuisance. When I was glassing for mulies I shot a badger that I had been watching cross a field. When he was within about 40 yds he saw me and instead of running away he charged and I hit him with a 475 linebaugh right behind the head. While he couldn't have killed me he had thoughts of gnawing on my leg.

The second was a cougar that I had spotted in a farmers field. I could not get under 200yds from it and all I had was my iron sighted 475 so the farmer let me borrow a Remington 7600 30-06 with a 30 year old scope and green ammo, the magazine was so rusted I had to beat it into the gun. I took a shot from what I later ranged at 187yds and the cat ran. I couldn't tell if I had shot over or if the bullet had passed through but I saw dust kick up behind the cat. I returned the rifle and went looking for sign. I couldn't find any blood so I started walking parallel to a blackberry hedge bordering between the field and a river checking all the trails going in. As I passed one trail my sixth sense kicked in and as I turned the cat started to come out from where it had been hiding in the brush waiting to ambush me. I was able to get a shot off with the 475 as I spun but I shot wide as I was trying to shoot across my body and behind me. The cat was only 5 or 6 feet away when I shot and luckily it turned and ran. I never did find any sign other than carcasses that showed this cat had been around for a while. I later found from tracks in the area that it was a female with a cub. The cat hasn't been seen since although I did get a shot off at what was presumably it's cub a few months later but it was a running shot off hand with my short barreled 475 and I missed. The farmer to this day is extremely gratefull since besides raising hay he also raises goats which is what we figure brought the cat in to begin with.
Posted By: Jeremy

Re: Self defence handgun stories. Animals or people. - 05/14/2009 10:34 PM

Dang Rod, dem critters got it out for you!
Posted By: TCTex.

Re: Self defence handgun stories. Animals or people. - 05/15/2009 12:28 AM

Nice to see you posting again Rod!

Posted By: minnesotahunter

Re: Self defence handgun stories. Animals or people. - 05/18/2009 5:00 PM

That cat almost turned you into lunch. Great story.

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