
Rain Gear

Posted By: Rick

Rain Gear - 11/22/2009 1:52 PM

All my times afield deer hunting I have been fortunate enough to not need rain gear. Up North it is normally snowing during deer season so I have the covered. However, this year was unseasonably warm and one morning it was misting when I left the house.
This caused me to think about rain gear.
What brand and material do you use on those rainy days?
Posted By: TCTex.

Re: Rain Gear - 11/22/2009 2:03 PM

I don't leave the house without my Stearns rain coat. I also take my beeswax hat and backpack. I also take several pairs of gloves (one set is a water proof fishing set) and I usually wear my Rocky snake boots which are water proof up to my knees.

It rains a LOT here in New Orleans...
Posted By: goalie

Re: Rain Gear - 11/22/2009 3:03 PM

I have a set of Scent-Lok rainwear from Cabelas that work well. We had some rain here in Minnesota opener weekend as well.

The jacket and pants I bought are the soft-textured, waterproof, breathable stuff. I have not had to use that raingear in any true torrential rains, but I don't plan on needing to considering when I hunt.
Posted By: Vance in AK.

Re: Rain Gear - 11/22/2009 4:53 PM

The part of Alaska I live in can be very wet (sometimes an inch a day or more) day after day during Sept (moose season) & also sometimes in the spring (bear baiting season), & can be rainy anytime, so my rain gear is almost always in my daypack. For that reason it has to be light enough that I don't mind packing it, & reasonably compact (although I carry an Eberlestock Blue Widow pack 99% of the time if I'm more than a stones throw from the truck or camp so space is not really an issue).
We also live in fairly brushy country with a lot of alder, etc so it has to be fairly tough.
I finally settled on what several guides had recomended to me. Helley Hanson "Impertech", top & bottom. They are fairly light & compact, very durable, made of a stretchy "rubber like" material. I've had mine for 2 seasons & they show no signs of wear. I wear the bottoms most every morning of moose season because we get a heavy due most nights & walking through the brush & grass will soak you to the waist, so that says a lot for their durability. Thay are also as quiet as most anything I've tried.
The "down-side" is they aren't "breathable". I really don't consider that a down-side my self. I've tried some expensive "breathable" rain gear over the years, & they all had one thing in common. Wear them in a downpour for enough hours & eventually they will "inhale" & then you are really wet, & they are almost impossible to dry at that point if you aren't spending the night in a cabin or house.
Having my rain gear with me also gives me a windproof layer when I get chilled & an added layer if I have to do an unplanned bivy at night.
Posted By: Rick

Re: Rain Gear - 11/22/2009 5:06 PM

Thanks guys.
Posted By: 410

Re: Rain Gear - 11/22/2009 5:19 PM

i like the cabelas gore-tex guide wear,i have a parka jacket as well as a pair of the bib overhauls,i use them for my motorcycle and they are great,ride several hours at times and never get wet except around the neck from my face,as long as the hunting isnt in terrible brairs i will put these on as my hunting gear
Posted By: Vance in AK.

Re: Rain Gear - 11/22/2009 5:28 PM

Funny how regional stuff is.
Where I grew up on the dry side of Oregon (east of the Cascades) I don't ever remember wearing rain gear while hunting. Working in the woods yes, but never hunting....
Posted By: s4s4u

Re: Rain Gear - 11/22/2009 6:06 PM

What brand and material do you use on those rainy days?

Bicycle brand, paper, pinochle deck, and Busch light ;-)
Posted By: Tigger

Re: Rain Gear - 11/23/2009 11:24 PM

I don't hunt in the rain per-say. I have three deer blinds built with roofs. Most of my hunting during rain will be from the blinds. I have two ladder stands for archery hunting and I have a Buckwing port-a-roof that goes up in seconds for a nice roof.

Getting to and from the stands I usually wear my Carharts and they are water proof for the distances I have to go.
Posted By: Spencer

Re: Rain Gear - 11/24/2009 2:45 AM

I am kind of a traditionalist. I have a Filson waxed cotton jacket, gore tex rainpants that I put under my normal camo pants, or my fison waxed cotton chaps, Schnee pac boots, and a cowboy hat to keep the rain from trickling down my neck.
Posted By: Dan B.

Re: Rain Gear - 11/24/2009 11:15 AM

 Originally Posted By: Tigger
........and I have a Buckwing port-a-roof that goes up in seconds for a nice roof.

I have two of these port-a-roof umbrellas....LOVE THEM!! For being on stand you can not beat them.
Posted By: RickyP

Re: Rain Gear - 11/24/2009 2:51 PM

I also have two of the umbrellas taht screw into the tree and work fairly well. In my pack I keep a set of cabelas packable rain paints and coat. they make a little more noise then I care when walking but work ok. My heavy weight hunting pants and coat are rain proof so they say. so I am covered when it is cold outside. I also have 2 of the rain coats that Bushnell gave away when you bought a scope. they are very nice and I use them for a jacket when it is coler out side as well as a rain coat.

I also have in my pack one of the emergency ponchos you can get from walmart for a few dollars.

Before i had all the rain gear I use to keep a clear 55 gallon drum liner in my back pack. for sudden rain storms. My friend use to laugh at me about this saying it was a stupid idea, This was until we where hunting and a very sudden rain shower hit us. I got in the bag and was warm and dry. but couldnt shoot if something showed up. but when it was over and we got to the truck I was still dry and he was dripping wet and cold.
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