

Posted By: wapitirod

RECALL NOTICE - 12/11/2011 2:26 AM

As a dealer I received a notice last week that I thought I'd share with those of you who may be affected and not heard about. All Thompson Center Venture rifles manufactured before 10/28/11 are being recalled for a sear problem which can cause the firearm to discharge without the trigger being touched. If you bought one of these new you should get a notice from the dealer you bought it from, if not contact Smith and Wesson for information on returning the firearm.
Posted By: bluecow

Re: RECALL NOTICE - 12/11/2011 1:15 PM

Wapitirod would like your thoughts on why all the recalls on firearms and ammo. cant hardly pick up a gun rag with out seeing a remington recall. makes me thing twice about buying rem products. we have been making the same basic items for over 100 years, are we not just paying attention to whats going on, and putting out any old product? or is it just the damn lawyers.
Posted By: wapitirod

Re: RECALL NOTICE - 12/11/2011 3:30 PM

The remington problem your talking about I believe is the one on the 700 and that was built into the initial design of the trigger group. The man that designed it realized in short order what was wrong and the problem could have been fixed for pennies per gun and then corrected in the factory but instead the big wigs ignored him and kept producing faulty weapons and now the problem is going to cost millions so their line of thinking back fired.

As for why so many it's just like cars which have way more recalls than most people realize.

My opinion for the reasons why are: some problems in new designs only show up after time, bad decisions by manufacturers to let questionable designs go out the door in order to save money, and quality control.

As for the lawyers there is no doubt that some recalls are not needed if common sense is used but the lawyers are wanting firearms childproof from the factory. What bugs me about that is that firearms are just tools and the user has to take some of the responsibility for using them safely. They are no different than some of the tools I've used in the mechanical fields or used by builders, etc. Some tools can hurt or kill you if you don't use common sense.

For what it's worth that's my opinion, I don't pronounce to be and expert on all the recalls but in the 22 yrs I was in automotive I saw alot of them and I don't think firearms differ much. If you think about it the number of recalls in all consumer products has gone through the roof. With all the toy and child accessory recalls it's amazing any of us over 25 or so survived according to consumer protection people. Like I said I think your on track on a big part of it with lawyers.
Posted By: Charlie Young

Re: RECALL NOTICE - 12/11/2011 6:24 PM

My XP-100 was recalled shortly after I bought it. I think it was due to trigger issues. This happened quite some years ago.
Posted By: claytonfaulkner

Re: RECALL NOTICE - 12/11/2011 9:41 PM

While I do think liability has something to do with it, I think the primary reason is declining quality across many industries. It's all about the bottom line and if it's something that doesn't pop up until 20 years later, then that is another CEO's problem.
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