
No more reloading!!!!!!

Posted By: rickiesrevenge

No more reloading!!!!!! - 08/07/2009 3:37 AM

I recently transferred to a new duty station. This time I am living in housing on base. The rule books states that reloading is prohibited. Not good news for me because I reload for everything except my .22 LRs. Most of the calibers that I have picked I can't just go buy a box of ammo on the shelf, or they are way too expensive. Any ideas? I am considering renting a small storage unit just to reload in.
Posted By: s4s4u

Re: No more reloading!!!!!! - 08/07/2009 4:03 AM

The rule books states that reloading is prohibited.

I won't tell if you don't.

The storage container sounds viable. You get quite a bit of space for 30 bucks a month, hopefully with a light. If snoopies see you hangin' out there a lot they might think you're cookin' up some snort and you could have a visit from blue, they have busted a couple of meth labs around here operating out of a storage complex. I don't think I'd mention reloading when leasing your stall tho.

That sucks to lose even that small freedom.

Posted By: LShull

Re: No more reloading!!!!!! - 08/07/2009 4:39 PM

That Sucks, I felt the same way when they shipped me to Germany!!
I couldn't even bring my guns!!

Posted By: larry223

Re: No more reloading!!!!!! - 08/07/2009 7:52 PM

that sucks big time try the local rod&gun or vfw and see if
they know of some way to help you there must be reloaders up
there good luck.
Posted By: s4s4u

Re: No more reloading!!!!!! - 08/07/2009 9:05 PM

Now there's an idea, start a reloading club like a quilters guild. Gather in someone's basement and stitch (or in your case, stuff) and gab. Actually, that sounds like fun.
Posted By: Renster of N.H.

Re: No more reloading!!!!!! - 08/07/2009 10:06 PM


s4s4u gave good advice. DO NOT utilize a storage unit. Most storage buisnesses frown on any type of explosives and usually contract with you as such. Not to mention the unwanted suspicion that the activity will surely garner you.
larry is on the right track. There are other resources you can utilize to advise you of a safe and "legal" way to continue enjoying the powder bench. Ask your C.O. He may have run across this before. Also, do not be hesitant to stop by the local civilian P.D. or Sheriff's Dept. and talk with the chief or Sheriff. They may also have come across someone from the base/station in your situation. I'm sure these people would much rather you show responsibility and good intent and ask so that they may advise you, as opposed to sneaking around and thus gaining their mistrust if your caught. I know I would.

"Lieutenant" Renster
Posted By: RUG1

Re: No more reloading!!!!!! - 08/08/2009 1:33 AM

I do not know how long you have been in the Coast Guard, but I know how the military frowns on misconduct, it would be a lot to risk if you did something to break their rules.

It sure sounds like a good time to make some new friends and maybe share your knowledge with someone who would like to learn.
Posted By: rickiesrevenge

Re: No more reloading!!!!!! - 08/08/2009 1:46 AM

I don't plan on breaking the rules and reloading in the housing provided by the government. I seriously doubt that the C.O. has ever dealt with this situation before because there is only 17 people at my duty station. There are people stationed here that hunt but nobody reloads or shoots very much. From what I have found there isn't a rod and gun club here in town. If the local storage units would frown at the thought of my reloading I don't really have a lot of other options. I guess that I can put my name on the list to get off-base housing. It will probably take at least a year to get it though.
Posted By: RUG1

Re: No more reloading!!!!!! - 08/09/2009 9:23 PM

As remote as Alaska is gun clubs probably won't be the same, maybe check local gun shops for reloaders or people who might be able to help you out.
Or its a good excuse for new barrels and guns.
We have a friend who moved up there a couple of years ago, sounds awesome, but I understand that there's lots of things us in the lower 48 take for granite.
Thank you for serving our nation.
Posted By: bisleyfan44

Re: No more reloading!!!!!! - 09/05/2009 1:19 AM

"new barrels and guns"

My thoughts exactly.
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