
Lets see those Octagon barrels!

Posted By: Matabele

Lets see those Octagon barrels! - 05/21/2010 7:51 PM

Hi all,

First post here, this forum has some amazing information!

Im saving up for either a custom or FA83 revolver and am debating whether to go with a round or octagon barrel. Id love to see some pics of guns with Octagon barrels if you wouldnt mind posting them.

Posted By: Fowler

Re: Lets see those Octagon barrels! - 05/22/2010 2:54 PM

I like mine...

Posted By: Matabele

Re: Lets see those Octagon barrels! - 05/22/2010 3:58 PM

Thanks Fowler, looks great!

Are there any considerations to Octagon barrels over round barrels, just as accurate?, spose they are heavier, does that affect recoil? Any other thoughts I havnt considerd maybe?
Posted By: wapitirod

Re: Lets see those Octagon barrels! - 05/23/2010 10:10 AM

Actually the octagon barrel should be lighter as the maximum diameter remains the same but material is removed to create the eight sides. I'm actually toying with making my first one right now but it's at the outside limits of what my mill will handle. The one I have sketched out would be either a 10 or 12" barrel for my 454. I'd use a 5" ejector hsg and at the end of that cut in a 1/2" wide barrel band with a sling stud on the bottom and then cut in a 3/4" wide band at the muzzle. I've sketched it out and I think the 10" would be better balanced. The only reason I'm thinking about it is I was questioned about doing an octagon barrel but I've had a hard time finding stock already machined so it would be an experiment to see if my machinery is up to the task and secondly is to try and increase the velocity of the 454 a little bit with the longer barrel and therefore extending the range just in case I'm able to go on the HHI antelope hunt, it would also serve as a show piece should someone ask me to make them one once I'm in business full time. As for advantages over the round barrel there are none and if you want to get real technical the round has more metal and therefore dissipates heat faster but you'll probably never notice. The main reason to have one is for looks and they do look cool. The sad thing is I had to call my son that is a junior in high school to figure out the widths of the flats as my geometry and trigenometry skill are long gone. Then again the kid took the SAT for fun and got an 1800 and he did the same thing with the ASVAB and received a 92 but because of his asthma the military is out of the question. Anyways sorry to get off course a bit but I hope the other info helps.
Posted By: Matabele

Re: Lets see those Octagon barrels! - 05/23/2010 1:24 PM

Some intersting info thanks for posting. I have done some searching on the net looking for Occtagon barrels, and found some, but havnt seen one with a barrel band. The 10" with barrel band would look great in my opinion, I look forward to seeing it if you complete the project.
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