
I am currently using a stainless Colt s70, and have had no issues that are stainless related. Might be nice to know whether the issue with Clark was also related to the tensile/compression properties as well, but I proceeded with it having cut my teeth, and hopefully my stupid mistakes, on carbon steel.

I would imagine that if you planned to shoot lead a lot, you would have to deal with the deposit buildup in the comp, at some point. I just do not shoot lead exclusively.

Hank, thanks for picking that thread ;^). Folks on the 1911 forums sure can get cantankerous about "knowing" what the 1911 platform will not do. The thread does show what and how reasonable folks can discuss and learn, together. I have the bug right this moment to try out the sprinco recoil system to see what it could bring to the table. Lot of mixed stuff on the forums about the product, but again most of the replies are from folks working with standard pressure stuff.


Northern born and Southern bred