3 point Oregon black tail buck in 1977. I was hunting rabbits with a Belgian-made Browning Auto 5 shotgun and an iron-sighted 10".357 Herrett Contender in a TC cross-draw holster when I jumped the buck from a brush patch. I drew and made a one-handed (left-handed) uphill running shot at about 25 yards. The load was 25 grains of 4227 and a Sierra 125 gr. JHP, which was intended as a varmint load. Ended up with poison oak on my hands and arms as it dropped from that shot into a big patch of it. The bullet punched a clean hole behind the left shoulder, broke a rib, and exploded into shreds of copper and bits of lead, some of which peppered the offside (right) shoulder. Picking the copper and lead out of the meat when I butchered it was an added bonus to the poison oak. Not hard to remember that one!

If you think preparedness is expensive, try 'winging' it.

NRA Endowment Member (Life Member since 1976)
Idaho State Rifle and Pistol Association