
Yes, a good link. I have that info squirreled away for my light 454 loads with XTP's. You would not have any issues getting any XTP's in 45 caliber to work and function in the Clark kit. I have tried them all, and had zero issues. And all shoot to the barrel's potential for accuracy, all of them. Or is that my potential ;^), I always forget.

My go to loads for my Rowland for carry (not necessarily hunting per se) are 250 Ranier plated and the 250 XTP. I run them both at about 1050 fps, so they are light by Rowland standards, but I have penetration tested them and the Ranier penetrates for days, and the 250 seems to give me a better hole than the 230's. Here at home I load up the XTP's, and when I am at the ranch the gun is loaded with the raniers, with a spare mag with the XTP's. The ranch has problems with poachers, and the idiots in the subdivision next door like to feed the bears. They end up at the cabin many times, and are just plain aggrevating. Sometimes the neighbors, usually the bears ;^)

Yup, I agree, the Grizzly round sure looks supiciously like the 230 XTP.


Northern born and Southern bred