Originally Posted By: wapitirod
yep, I'm the poster child for what the pc people say not to do with handguns. My handguns don't get put up unless my daughter has friends over which since we're in a rural area they have to be brought over. There are loaded guns from one end of my house to the other and they are accessible and my daughter (11) knows how to use them and if an intruder were to underestimate her abilities and knowledge of firearms it would be a fatal mistake. She can handle single and double action revolvers, my glock, 1911, ak's as well as all the sporting weapons in the house. I started her off early too and with my line of work there are guns everywhere but she dosn't touch unless she asks or is told. She actually has taken a big interest in my business and loves to see the customers guns when they come in. who knows, 10 years from now she may be the first female custom pistolsmith building your big bore revolvers.
You sound like me.

I had and still have loaded guns all over the place. My boys always knew to treat a gun as if it was loaded..........because the were/are!