Only shot a couple does with the 44mag. Might be all I shoot with it, as I have switched to the 45lc.

Here's a fun one you may have seen before. 2010 gun season, we had had some lunch at my aunt's house for a birthday, and then some of us were going out hunting. It was unusually warm, and a couple of my younger cousins wanted to go along for a stand. I had already shot a nice buck with my Encore 7 08, and thought it would be great fun to take the kids out for their first hunt. We rounded up some extra orange, and out we went.

I purposly went to an area that no one else was hunting in, because I wasn't confident they could be quiet, and didn't want to disturb anyone else.

Well, we marched off into the woods, and found a nice log to sit on that was between a couple of well used deer trails.

I didn't really expect to see any deer. They did good being quiet at first, but at 8, and 11, it didn't last long. Pretty soon Isaac was whittling a stick, and chomping watermelon bubble gum, and Stina was eating M&Ms, and offering Isaac some.

It didn't matter, we were just out having fun on a beautiful day. Then Isaac askes to try out my grunt tube, and i say sure. He blows on it a couple times, and gives it back.

Not 5 minutes later, a nice doe is headed our way through the woods. I tell the kids to "be quiet, and plug your ears".

The doe ends up passing by about 40yrds behind us, and just as she gets even with us, I swivel around off the log onto 1 knee, line up the sights and fire.

She didn't go more than 20 yrds, and piled up. The kids were super exited, and the other hunters in our group(who got skunked that night)couldn't believe it. Guess it's better to be lucky than good!


Oh yeah, it was a 240 grn Hornady XTP. Stopped her quick, but didn't pass through. Thought that was odd on a lung shot, but strange things happen i guess. I like the 300s better personally.