Originally Posted By: Leon Munyan
As the Handgun Hunting Consultant to the SCI Record Book Committee, I am happy to see a discussion on the Record Book merits!
I would just like to make a couple clarifications and comments:
The SCI Record Book of Big Game Animals (RB) does record and separate the method of take for every huntable trophy animal species in the world. So, all Handgun entries are listed in the book separate from the rifle, muzzleloader, bow, etc.

 Originally Posted By: notrab
I think they keep track of the tyoe of weapon used, i.e bow, blackpowder etc... so why not handgun.

notrab, I am unclear as to what your statement means. The whole intent of SCI here is to get enough handgun hunting entries to publish a record book for handgun only; which will help to get handgun hunting more public recognition; which will benefit all hunters, esp. Handgun Hunters.
