The hollow points are cast from an alloy that Roto-Metals puts together and is 'tested' at Bhn 9. I use it in casting hollowpoints for a 270gr for my .45 colt, a 200gr for my .41 mag and the 200gr for the acp. At 1000fps I can usually count on the bullet holding together and expanding to nickle size. Much faster and it starts coming apart so I'll have to watch it with the Rowland. Didn't notice any comp leading to speak of in my first outing, but as the 255's were 'hardball' alloy.

I've already reloaded the 'oops' bunch and the primer pockets were tight. I may have 'lucked thru' this time. Thank goodness Clark makes a good barrel and the Remmy's all steel.
I ruined a nice little Martini cadet's chamber with too heavy a bullet seated too deep once, pains me still.

I've got a big brother to the 255 RFN that drops from my mould at 301grs w/ gas check. Haven't seen any Longshot data for anything heavier than a 260. Did find a Unique load for a 300+ load but it was pretty anemic. Have you ventured up in that weight, yet.
