Man you guys are gonna make me think twice while walking into stand in the pitch dark!

Mine was about 7 years ago. I was walking into a stand in southcentral PA where I had spotted a really nice buck a few days earlier. I try to make as little commotion as possible so I wear a headlamp and pretty much keep it pointed right at the ground in front of me. I heard something and looked to the left only to see a set of eyes about 40 yards from me. Within seconds the telltale challenge bark gave it away as a coyote.
It was my first encounter with a song dog...I had only a bow and a shot was out of the question in the thick brush. I figured I would continue on my way to the stand thinking the yote would move on. Instead he followed me paralleling me the entire way to my tree stand, barking the entire time. As I began to set up my stand he went silent...having my back to that direction just left an awful, eerie feeling. I quickly got in and climbed up. Once I sat down the yote continued to bark until first light, exiting just before I had an opportunity to shoot.

The God who gave us such a beautiful land, wonderful game, and the sport of hunting is worth knowing.