Back in '88 I was "lost" for a while in the MT timber during an elk hunt, so I sat under a pine tree to stay out of the falling snow. Just as I got comfortable, a rabbit shot out from under a nearby, low-hanging pine limb, with a coyote or wolf right behind it. Likely a coyote, but you couldn't tell me any different as I was high-tailing it in the opposite direction.

In '05 I was deer hunting in WY with a fellow HH member. He had previously mentioned to us that we could see a griz, though that warning went in one ear and out the other. I had forgotten all about it once we commenced the hunt.

A buddy sat on one side of the creek bank and I headed for the other bank approx. 100 yds away. As I was darting about over the water, I heard a twig snap and I looked down the creek, as I got down on one knee. A very short while later a small muley buck appeared and walked on without noticing me.

So I continued on my way for the creek bank, found a spot to sit down, and began to take off my fanny pack and settle in for the morning hunt. Not long after I'd barely gotten comfortable I heard another twig snap and immediately thought it might be another deer. Something moved behind a bush less than 20 yds away to my right, so I readied my shootin iron for when it came out on the other side.

'Whoops!! Grizzly's aren't in season,' I thought! Now what do I do? Luckily for me, the bear had winded me where I just crossed the creek and took off in a gallop up the stream. I considered sitting there anyway and continuing my deer hunt, but the notion of this bear sneaking around and getting above me prevailed, so I headed for the truck. He was 13 steps from me when I saw him. The rest of my group saw the bear as well and I'd say we were all very lucky that day.
