A few years ago I was Bow hunting after work.Getting off late there was no way I could get to my stand in time . I decided to still hunt an old logging rd.500 yds in coming over a knoll I heard a loud snap of a branch in the bottom .Still being 75 yds off I hustled as fast as I could to close the distance to the bottom.At 50 yds there came aloud crack and rustle of brush so I froze.Kneeling I knocked an arrow ande attached my release . I was confused as to what would make so much noise.. after a few seconds I got my answer as a large black bear stepped into the logging road . Looking down the hill first and then turning up the hill as he stepped fully into the roadway facing me head on.... no shot. The bear and I had a staring contest that lasted a week , or so it seemed to .I thought to myself ... be the woods ... blend in ... hold your breath... dont blink ... dear god thats a big bear...after a few hours the bear started walking to me ... shuffling a few feet then stare a few feet more then stare..At 30 yds I could see the wetness of his nose and a white blaze on his chest wind was blowing in my face I could smell him now .... peeking through one eye I was thinking he would turn and I would draw the bow for a shot ...He obviously didnt get the memo .. he started coming again.... at 20 yards i could hear him sniffing the wind and him licking his nose .... oh dear god he is a giant of a bear.... still no shot .... oh dear god wtf am i doing here with a bow and no gun . An eternity goes by and I open an eye hoping maybe he had vanished... he didnt... nope ... now he is standing on his hind legs whoofing at me ... I panicked through my hands in the air over my head bow in hand yelling , YAA BEAR GET OUT OF HERE.. YAAA GO GET!!!He spun and ran off into the brush...Too wich I turned back up the road and hustled double time back up the hill.Stopping to catch my breath and check my shorts...I had this funny feeling I was Being watched.Started sneaking my way back out and I heard the brush russling off to my left about 50yds ... hit a thin spot and the damn bear was standing on his hind legs still trying to figure out what I was ..The bear was stalking me. Now just short of full panic I start backing up the road trying to keep an eye on the bear and not fall .... Now its getting to dark to see ... walk listen walk listen. All but sprint to my truck fishing for the keys in my pocket unlocking the auto locks turning the headlights on...whew i made it ball a sweat little panic yet. Trying to catch my breath and get out og my hunting clothes i drop the tail gate of my truck only to hear a low menacing growl behind me ... hair on my neck stood up bitter taste in my mouth I spin around and there is a guy walking his dog up the dirt road...Oh my god ..... i had to laugh guy thought i had lost my mind ... till i told him the whole story ... then he laughed his ass off

Save liberals from them selves, stich their sphincter closed so they cant talk out their arse