Pigeons: .410 Contender,#5 shot out to 35 yards,2-3' lead, looks like a pillow being ripped apart!
Grouse: Ruger MKII, 40 gr. Win. Power Point(on the ground, of course, I ain't THAT good. Did shoot one in a tree with .38 SP. in a Python)
Turkeys: I've tried almost everything imaginable. They have gotten away from .357, .44s, .223s,.6.5/.284, AND 400 gr. .4570!! BUT they have not gotten away from 6.5 JDJ and my #1 turkey gun- FA 7 1/2" .454 Casull, 260 gr. Speer Mag. HP. Killed about 3 1/2 dozen with it, 0 failures, and very little meat damage-shoot wing butt and base of neck. This combo has the 5 Star Hit Man approval!

Last edited by wvhitman; 02/21/2012 12:32 AM.