The students at the Police Academy debated this for some time. When they asked me what I wanted to carry I just simply stated that I would carry what ever I was issued by the department I was working for…

About that time the professor, a 25 year police vet and competitive shooter, made a couple observations. Taking in the facts of in which most confrontations usually in shorter distances than most people want to admit, he would go over reliability over any other factor. He then stated that if you needed precise shooting or more oomph there was a reason you cared a 223 rifle… We even debated caliber and other statistics of handguns including ammo, however I can go bla bla bla all I want and I know it isn’t going to change the fact that this is a forum and we are all going to do what we want anyway… … …

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well armed lamb
Benjamin Franklin