my carry loads are 185gr factory Hydra Shocks although I also have handloaded and factory FMJ flat points for my 40. My 45 I feed handloaded 230gr ball and 255gr lead RNFP. I have 10 mags of 40 loaded and 8 mags of 45 not to mention 20, 30rd mags of 7.62x39
of course that only gets carried in case of home invasion or severe civil unrest although if I ever see the "Earth First" or "ELF" people again I may reconsider
I normally only carry the one mag in my 40 unless I'm taking a trip and I'll carry two extra's. Around town here I figure if 16rds isn't going to fix the problem until the cops get there then it's already either hopeless or they need to fire the cops which is probably the case.

I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them. John Wayne-The Shootist