Every firearms maker produces a batch of bad guns, the difference is how the customer service dept takes care of the problem.
From my past dealing with them over a " varmint target rifle" a.22PPC,opened my eyes.
As long as your rifle will shoot 1" @ 50 yards it meets their specs as good to go.
I went round and round with them an it did not turn out well.
My last Ruger I bought was several years ago a Red Hawk .44.
It was a pile of crap. Action felt like it was full of sand would not shoot a group at all. Come to find out the chambers were off center and on and on.
After my dealing with customer service and how I was treated and talked to I just sold it.
If the customer service rep had not acted poorly and if when I sent the rifle back 3 times and it was returned with the head slots on the guard screws messed up and a target showing 3 shots in 1/2" @ 50 yards and basically told I can not shoot and it met their standards I was done with them.
Maybe their standards need to improve!
Sorry just venting some.