Originally Posted By: s4s4u

I'd much rather come up there Vance.

And we'd rather have you!!! Might as well keep your bucks in the USA.
There are soeme nice things about Alaska for non-residents. For most species guides are not required (I know goats, sheep, brown, & grizzly bear are exceptions. Muskox & buffalo I'm not sure). Handguns are no problem. There are no shooting hours (if you can see your sights/crosshairs & the critter you are good to go. Migratory birds have shooting hours).
BUT, by far the country itself is the greatest thing. BUT, hunting can be tough! There is not a moose behind every tree. Not a legal one anyway. In our area with thousands of square miles there were 35 moose legaly killed last season (that's a 37 day season) so I wouldn't recomend you hunt my back yard. But there are plenty of areas in the state where things aren't like that. Remember, it's about 2.5x the size of Texas with more coastline that the entire continental US.

By the way, I've never lived in Canada but have drove through many times. AMAZING place!! Some great people. I have always enjoyed my time there & been well treated. However, I have some personal phobia that always makes me feel uncomfortable in foregin countries. I feel like I have no rights & am at the mercy of what ever government it might be. I love the USA!

Vance in AK.

Matthew 6:33
"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."