you don't want to use the CLP you would be better of using the breakfree powder blaster but if you want a cheaper but smellier way to go use NON Chlorinated brake cleaner from wal mart or a parts store. A revolver dosn't need lubrication on the action and it will actually cause you more problems than anything by attracting gun and causing a build up. The only lubrication I use on revolvers is a small dab of gun grease on the both ends of the cylinder where it contacts the frame. This is more to help with providing a cushion during recoil than lubrication to turn. If you don't have any gun grease you can use a drop of gun oil. The only other thing I do is I'll wipe the base pin down on SA's with a little oil on a rag to leave a light film on the pin. I will also wipe the exterior of the gun down with a lightly oiled rag but then I go back over it with a clean rag so there is no excess oil left behind.

I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them. John Wayne-The Shootist