Yes Sir I Did! Took my nephew and grandson to the range for three hrs.,and had it to ourselves!! Shot up 2 500+ bulk pak of.22's. Broke in my grngson's new 10-22 he got 4 xmas! My nephew got a chance to put alot of rounds thru my contender w/scope,1st time w/scope! A nother member came and after he shot for awhile came over and helped out so each of the boys had a "loader!!haha!Seriously folks this is whar we HAVE to do if we are to keep this lifestyle alive! We have to be the teachers,mentors and examples for us to have a future! Let's all try to bring one new person into this grand passion of ours! I'm getting of the soapbox now!Have a goodday. God Bless America!

The 9 most terrifing words in the english language: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help"-Ronald Reagan