Well, accidents do happen, that's why they are called accidents.

I disagree, accidents don't just happen. They are initiated by inattentiveness or ignorance, or both.

Then there must be no accidents at all. That's good to know. Now I have an explanation for all these golf balls hitting my house:). I will agree that not everything is an accident. Only a root/cause analysis could determine whether there is one or not. Hmmm, maybe. However, more to the point is this guy got a good lawyer to sue the biggest pocket, in this case the seller of the pistol, not manufacture. Whatever he did to the handler of the pistol is unknown? Obviously, he said it wasn't HIS fault. The gun just went off. Whatever. However, the guy who shot him did what many would do. Blame someone/something else. Even here we in some disagreement on fault. What I take on this is the Rules Of Gun Safety are there to protect me and others. Hey, Be careful and Good Shooting.