
I was going to stay out of this thread, as I thought I made my points in the other one. Pretty much as you noted. Load a gun, any gun, and an accident can happen, and hurt or kill someone. The first rule, above all of the normal 10 point or 5 point gun handling rules is to know the gun, and completely understand how it works. I feel safe carrying an old style lever gun on half cock. But I know if I drop it on the hammer it might go bang. I would never run with said gun, chambered.

Same with handguns. If I holster it, I use the retention device. PERIOD. None of this "well I am only gonna crawl/walk/run a little closer and I do not want to spook/slow presentation if I need to shoot in a hurry" nonesense. It is the wood workers or gun owners who are not trained properly or get in a hurry and cut corners that get burned. Being safe while hunting when your heart and brain are racing a mile a minute takes training and concious effort. So to supplement my first point of knowing your gun, folks need to think just as much about knowing themselves, and how they react or make decisions.


Northern born and Southern bred