Oh I see what ya mean. I can't really answer that yet. I haven't ever fired an encore bigger than a .44, and it was a wuss. The one I ordered will wear a 460 barrel in a yet undetermined length. I refuse to put a break on it, and I aint wearing no gloves! But other than that, yeah, I can see your point.

I'm hoping that the Encore will give even better performance out of the 460 cartridge than the revolver did. By that, I mean I think there is a lot of "wasted potential" in a revolver's cylinder compared to an enclosed chamber (I have talked with Wapitirod a little about this subject). I may be completely wrong, but I intend to find out! I guess its the physics part of me that is curious.

I'm not worried about the recoil -- that's most of the fun to me! That, and seeing stuff get vaporized. The 460, in my opinion, is the entry level when it comes to big bores. That is why I chose to hunt big game with it. I KNOW I'm not undergunned, I have full confidence in it, and it gets the job done while still leaving meat on the bones to be put in the freezer. Everything else from there on up is just fun, or is for hunting Africa type big game. I'm sure I'll hunt with some other large bores at some time, but for now, I'll take the 460 every time. Unless of course I'm hunting those crazy woodchucks that require the 458 Lott or higher to avoid lead bouncing off them!

Last edited by raptortrapper; 07/22/2012 9:00 PM.

A lot of people are like a slinky: Not much fun till you push them down the stairs!

Lifetime Member of the NRA! Wish I'd a done it sooner.