Thanks 430man for the comments in the last two posts.

I understand about bullets doin the work. I'm not one that thinks velocity is what does the killin. However, I like the ability of putting the crosshairs on my target, and knowing that with a zero of 125 yards, my POI isn't going to be off by much more than a very few inches, even at 200 yards with the 460. Most of my hunting is done at 150 yards or less, but there is the opportunity now and then for 200 or better. In my research, the 460 was the only one capable of doing this shot without throwing a rainbow. When I had the 12" Smith, I was able to hit milk jugs at 200 yards easily, and I am more than comfortable with hunting at that range with that ability. There are people here that will agree that the 460 is capable of well over 200 yards, but I myself am not ready for that kind of shot... yet.

I've had the 460 S&W revolver, and loved it. But I have also been interested in the Encore Pro Hunter, and since it is about a third cheaper, I thought I'd give it a shot. From that platform, I can get different barrels down the road much cheaper than I can a new revolver. And, honesty, I just wanted to try something different. My question about the velocity difference and pressure difference wasn't going to make up my mind on revolver or encore, it was already made up to go with the encore. It was really just more of a curiosity question. And no, I wasn't serious about the 4' and 6' long barrels. But I do think it would be fun to find out exactly how long of a barrel gives the best performance from those calibers now that ya mention it!

I still find it interesting when reading what you and others have said. Please don't take that statement wrong for I will be the first to admit that you most likely know more about handguns than I do. I am not about to say one person is wrong or right, I just think it is an interesting topic. I'd LOVE to have both guns side by side and perform the test! :-)

A lot of people are like a slinky: Not much fun till you push them down the stairs!

Lifetime Member of the NRA! Wish I'd a done it sooner.