Originally Posted By: 430man
To find a dead animal without blood means you and others fan out and search. It is luck. To find a dead pig in a pig tunnel means it died in the tunnel.
I have tracked hundreds of deer. If you can tell me you can track a deer without blood you are crazy.

Well, just called two users on this forum liars. That simple. I have found game animals after others have given up. I have family members that will come and get me because they need help…

My brother shot a nice buck with his 270 that he said stumbled after he shot it. He said he had a quartering shot away and he aimed at the shoulder facing him, a one lung shot. He also said never found any blood. Knowing that he was hunting 200 yards away from a fence and the deer jumped it I had a plan. I crossed the fence, went 100+ yards in, and started walking parallel with the fence line. I found a pair of heavy steps that intrigued me and started fallowing them. I went down the trail and found a small drop of blood, it was over 500 yards from where he had been shot. (Yes we measured it the deer ran at an angle to the fence and not directly toward it.) I had the trail! After that small drop I started finding a LOOOOT of blood. BUT, my tracking skills paid off and I knew how to look and what to look for. That is the reason we found that deer.

 Originally Posted By: TCTex.
So back on topic??

430man, we don’t need trolls on this sight. So please conduct yourself in an appropriate manor.


Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well armed lamb
Benjamin Franklin