tracking without blood really sucks but can be done#1 thing is to start looking for splayed tracks as the hit animal will be trying to regain balance,and for those that might think I'm crazy try to be be aware of any deerscent , once you've found a splayed track-it is more easily done if its a rutting buck of course but can be done,and of course a wounded animal will usually try to get to water to ease their pain/fever.The areas I hunt I've been around since I was twelve years old so I'm aware of most of the trails,bedding areas ,so forth... the scent trick really works well on a musty old buck,whenever my wife and kids have been scouting I've been able to tell them several different times ,theres a deer really close and several more yards we'd kick em up,I've done this with my dad also and one buck we had trouble tracking,blood just stopped,my dad found within forty yards because he could smell the musky scent of the buck,make yourself aware of the scents of animals in your area and you'll see what I'm talking about-john

H.H.I.#8190 Colossians 1:17 And He is before all things,and by Him all things consist!