Originally Posted By: Gregg Richter
I apologize ahead for another off topic post, but I have PM's from other members here about it and feel it is needed.

I would normally like to address this with 430man with a PM but his referred to posts by the PM's have been public so this will also be.

430 man, I think a lot of us respect your seemingly vast experience; but a lot of us here also have a looooot of experience. Your opinion is fine but is not the only viable one. Also, it is inappropriate to infer that some here are "crazy" or a "hoax."

Also please refrain from insulting remarks or remarks that some may take as an insult.

Thank you.

As for tracking a deer, maybe in your situation where there are so many tracks it may seem "impossible," but I, along with several others here, can do it and have done it; where we respectively hunt, and done it quite successfully. And will continue to do it.

That is the reason, we have too many deer. There is no way to track one. Even when tracking I jump many more and wonder if one of them is the one I am looking for so that will lead you off on a tangent until you go back to the starting point again.
You will not track a deer when every square foot of ground has tracks.
Even in snow, you go good until the deer turns into a trail with 50 other prints. I NEED blood here. Heavy trails can be two steps apart.
I understand your situation but you must also understand mine.
You might be a good tracker but I will bet you will stand here and scratch your head. The deer shot does not have a stamp on it's hooves that says "ME."
It takes hours to check every trail to find a speck of blood and if it is the last, where do you go? The trails will split into 3 or 4 so you look at more hours to find a speck of blood.
Sorry that I can not pick out one deer track from another because most are the same size. What will a broken blade of grass tell you?
Come here and hunt with me, you are welcome. If you hit a deer without a blood trail you will be 100% lost and will never find it. I am a good tracker, do not over blow yourself. I will never call you a troll.
I am not the average hunter and will spend all night with a lantern to find a deer. I need you here to walk right to it.