Agreed that "some sort of blood trail" is required if the animal moves very far from where it was hit. Your, Duanes and the others comments on finding a way to move from one blood spot to the next is very on point and helpful.

However, I feel that some may have read into some of the prior comments (on the other thread) that "no blood trail" is needed to find a wounded animal. It is my experience that if there is "no blood" then LUCK, prior experience looking for wounded animals and intimate knowledge of the hunting area are big factors in trying to find the wounded animal. "Tracking" is a smaller part for me, maybe because I am not that good of a tracker. For me, tracking gets me from the last spot of blood to the next. But with "no blood" and a lot of tracks, I cannot do it. I have tried.

It's more important where you hit 'em, than what you hit 'em with.