If I am going to have to shoot ja-ja-ja-ja… ja-ja… jacketed… (that’s better… lol) bullets threw it that is fine. I can know that going into it. At least the Sierra 220gr Match Kings are reasonable priced… LOL

It sounds like it would be cheaper to shoot jacketed bullets than tear up an expensive suppresser…

Yes, the 300 Whisper is JD’s baby as far as I am concerned. He knows all about its in’s and out’s because it started it from scratch, more or less, when the military went to him…

Now I am not saying that I couldn't buy all the parts from different distributers and build one properly myself, I am just saying that I don’t know anything about AR’s at all and if I had to buy one tomorrow it would be threw SSK. There is a piece of mind to me knowing that if the gun wasn’t shooting it would be because of my handloads and not a function issue in "my" building process.

I have several of Doc’s loads and would probably be using them if my barrel didn’t have a 1:10. I may see about ordering a few 220gr Sierras and see how it does. LOL

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well armed lamb
Benjamin Franklin