Originally Posted By: kingfisher
 Originally Posted By: reflex264
I am curious. I bow hunt, rifle hunt, muzzleloader hunt and the obvious handgun hunt. This year during gun season I will probably handgun hunt at least 60% of the time. During muzzle loader I will carry the Kahnke pistol at least 50%. We can kill 303 deer during the combined season. I am planning on killing around 15 deer this year so likely I will kill around 8 deer with a handgun. What percentage of your hunting do you do with a handgun? reflex264

And hunters wonder where the damn deer have gone. That is f*****g disgusting.

Thats the problem. They are all here. I have to shoot deer for the state every year on depradation permits. I got called in one time where there were nearly 1000 deer in a 2 square mile area methodicaly destroying bean crops. We don't have many big bucks because of our genetics. We actualy have a a cross between virginia and texanus sub species. The texanus deer were brought to this area in the 1950s and although they are capible of growing big racks the nutrition here isn't suficient to do so.

We eat 10 to 12 deer a year and donate several. The average weight of a mature doe here is 100lbs. The average weight of a mature buck is 170lbs live weight. The population explosion that led to the 3 does a day for the entire season was caused by mismanagent by the state during the 1960s and 1970s. I can take you out any evening here and show you 200 deer. reflex264

Last edited by reflex264; 09/20/2012 12:32 PM.

"A quiet hit in the right place is better than a loud miss in the wrong place followed by 10 more shots on the run"

I was a handgun hunter, when handgun wasn't cool.....