Originally Posted By: kingfisher
 Originally Posted By: s4s4u
Boy has this thread strayed.....

It is what it is. Your point?

I'm having a hard time deciding whether to take my Contender deer hunting with my 12" 35 REM barrel or my 14" 7-30 Waters barrel this season. Both shoot well and since this is my first year handgun hunting, all shots will be kept around 100yds. I handloaded some 120grn Pro Hunters for the 7-30 and have just been shooting factory Remington ammo out of the 35. Maybe I should just shoot a deer with both lol.

The OP was asking our advice on which he should use. Now everybody is chiming is with their own arsenals. My point is that if you wish to deviate, start another thread for such. I hope the OP got some value from his post.

Even you'd deserve at least that much respect......

Last edited by s4s4u; 10/02/2012 2:26 PM. Reason: grammar

Rod, too.

Short cuts often lead to long recoveries.