Glad I could stir the pot a little. This is the kind of debate we hunters should be having with our representatives in congress. I don't hunt anywhere close to PA, and can't speak for the deer population, but we all know that if we can't get the youth involved then hunting will literaly end in our lifetime. I have been blessed with three beautiful daughters and I'm doing my best to teach them the ways of the woods and of hunting and of conservation, albeit without loosing the girl in them at the same time. Taking children along on a hunting or camping trip is far more rewarding than doing it alone or with only adults. The children see so many things that we wouldn't see and in different ways than our eyes imagine. I guess my whole purpose in positng this article in the first place was to encourage debate and stories on taking our youth to the woods and teaching them the things our fathers and grandfathers taught us. I am a high school teacher in an urban school. I see so many kids that want to talk to me about hunting and fishing and camping and shooting, etc., but have never had the opportunity to try it themselves. I rarely take one of my students to the woods hunting or shooting, and only after I've had a talk with the childs father about the rules of the trip. I know there is a tremendous amount of responsibility and, of course, liability involved in taking another persons child into the woods hunting. Somehow we must, as a community, overcome the liability placed on us and continue to mentor these less fortunate kids in the ways of our fathers and grandfathers.

Just my two cents. The subject hit me when a student of mine recently asked me to take him hunting. He was a responsible young man in the classroom and I talked with his father. I made the difficult descision not to take the kid hunting because I couldn't get the full support from his family and I didn't want any "trouble". I feel terrible that this kid may never have the opportunity to experience the wonders of nature and of hunting and ethically taking fair chase game. And when I thought about it, I realized, that in the end we all loose. The kid, me, and certainly all hunters.

6.5x55 Swede.....and that's all I nede.
Hard-luck huntin' in Louisiana. Chris