Originally Posted By: BobRos
Isn't a running shot with any gun let alone a handgun a risky proposition? Unless you've already hit the animal and you're trying to finish 'em off that is.

Risky for some perhaps, but most of my deer have been shot on the move. Some moving faster than others, but on the move. I prefer to hunt on the ground, sometimes in a team with others in our group, and sometimes stalking on my own. Once in a while you can catch them in bed, but usually they are either rising up or already headed out when you see them and you must shoot quickly and accurately. During the midday, when deer are usually bedded down, we will often put a few folks on post in the more likely avenues of escape and then a few others will meander through the woods in an effort to move the deer. Most shooting is done by the posters but you will get some action in the woods as well. In any case, they are seldom standing still just waiting for the hammer. I actually find it easier to hold the gun steady on target while moving.

Rod, too.

Short cuts often lead to long recoveries.