Originally Posted By: 358429
I hope this doesn't offend anyone, and I am not picking on bigbore442001s statement. I saw the comment about "kills quicker" and it brought to mind the adds in the old Herters Catalog, this was back in the day when you could still mail order handguns. The Herters catalog had a plethora of stuff, their selection would have put Cabelas to shame. Nearly everything in the catalog was "new and improved". The book was truly a joy to read if for no other reason than the entertainment value. There was a lot of good practical durable stuff, and a great return policy. The ad that stuck in my mind, and I have been a handgun enthusiast for over a half century, was the ad for the Herter's .401 Power Mag. Someplace in the flowery rhetoric of the ad I recall the claim that "it kills quicker"..

I have always felt that handgun hunters and bow hunters have a lot in common, the desire to find a bit more of a challenge.

Again my comment is only for it's entertainment value..

Why yes it does. With a glancing shot as well. I use this bugger for killing dinosaurs.

It actually shoots like a 41 but with more variety in the component selection department. Despite being...

"The fabulous .401 Powermag...is the ideal large caliber revolver cartridge.  Will kill any animal on the face of the earth, or shoot through the cylinder block of any automobile.  It will flatten any human, no matter where you hit him...This is the finest big game or law enforcement revolver...With this revolver you can hunt deer, and all North American and African game...".

By the way its a crisp looking 41 you got.

Last edited by humphrey; 12/01/2012 7:25 AM.