Originally Posted By: wapitirod
correct me if I'm wrong but I believe we initially corrupted SChunter when he first showed up here. Now he is the master corrupter and enabler.

Correct Rod - Grasshopper has grown...just giving back now

James originally corrupted me with tales and pics of a 10" Casull with a 2.5x8 Leupold. That was my first FA (and in a strange turn of events, I just bought another one just like it except a Premier grade)...gulp, a BUNCH more have followed since, from 22 to .500. KRal, GlennS, and Darrell H have been "influential" in this department.

GAsixgunner introduced me to SSK barrels, and took single shots to a new level for me.

Wvhitman, Dan B, bfr4570, nmhunter, and Ernie contributed to my XP delinquency...

So now, I just try to give back where others have contributed so much