Whit don't worry it's not often I make long shots but have been capable when I have and it was in a situation they had no way to run off since it was on ranch land and I had wheels and a rifle as back up in case something bad happened. I agree I like getting close which is why I also bow hunt for the last 32 years. You've seen those guys make 1000 yard shots on animals too and I have always said they can drive closer than that. You also see guys shooting compounds at 100 yards now and all it takes is an animal to take one step at that disance and bad stuff happens. Though I'm good with a bow too at 60 yards I won't shoot over 40 hunting if that. We've all been in different conditions whether it light, snow, hillside, trees, back drop, rest etc. that can make or break a shot and one has to know when and when not. I've been in situations 20 yards was too far it just depends on the conditions. Time to eat